My mate

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"Bailey how fast is your brother by running in wolf form?" I pant. We have been locked in a cage for over 24 hours. No food no water. And soon I think my stomach will eat itself.

"He is a pretty fast runner" she said.

We both look like crap we have bruises and cuts covering our whole body. Our wolves are too weak to heal our bruises.

"I'm so hungry" I said.

"I bet you that a hobo stole our ice cream seeing as though I might have left the boot open before we were taken" Bailey said laughing.

It's probably in the middle of the night cause we could hear crickets outside.

"When we get out of here the first thing I am doing is eating. I mean we are going to McDonald's with at least a hundred dollars cause man I could eat a whale" I said.

"Right there with you" Bailey said

We were in two separate cages but still in the same cage but with a metal net between us.

"So have you and my brother mated yet?" Bailey asked.

"No!" I laugh.

"I'm waiting for the right moment and your mum wants it to hurry up cause she wants heaps of grandchildren" I said laughing.

Bailey chuckled.

There was a small thud. Our eyes shot up to the door.

There was a candle in the corner of the room so we could faintly see the whole room.

The door opened and the son of our kidnapper came in with a tray of something.

"Hey. I figured you guys are hungry an they aren't going to feed you." He said.

He walked over to us he slid a plate under the cage he then did it to Bailey. But they were staring at each other the whole time.

"Like seriously why is up with you two staring at each other?" I said.

"Well kayla he is my mate"

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