Part 5

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Ayumi POV

Ayumi : "Come on! Just let me go! It's not like we will do something illegal....i hope"

"Babe , i told you no means no"

"But every--"

"Itold you NO and what i say counts" Denise says calmly not even taking her eyes off her laptop. This is what i like to call 'Denise's Dead Silence' I know i'm pushing her buttons and if i push her too far i'm going to be in for it but i really want to go the party next Friday , she is always to put it? She's always so daddy you know?

"Why wouldn't you just fucking let me go?! Not like i'll fucking do anything bad! You're just being a bitch right no-"

"AYUMI! What did i tell you about about that mouth of your's?" She says while getting up from her laptop in the kitchen coming towards me standing in the living room. SHIT! I guess i pushed her too far , i backed away as she comes closer to me until i backed against the wall. Denise placed her right hand on the wall beside my head , her left hand on her hid and leans in till our nose are almost touching.

D : "I warned you about that foul mouth of your's and what i says goes! Bedroom. Now." Shit she's not joking around , i can tell by her tone that i'm probably not going to sit comfortably for awhile. I don't want to get into deeper shit than i am in now , i quickly ran to our bedroom ( yes, i moved in with her , not like there's anyone at home anyway ) I chose a corner and plant myself there , a few minutes later Denise comes in she sat down on our bed and calls me to her. I quietly walk towards her till i'm standing right in front of her and in 1 swift motion she pulls me over her knees.

D : SMACK What did SMACK i say SMACK about language baby? SMACK

A : " OW! you said no vulgari-OW! vulgarities.."

D : SMACK good SMACK girl SMACK. Now SMACK are SMACK you SMACK in SMACK this SMACK position SMACK ?

A : "I-i talked back OW! to y-you and i cursed at you OW!" The pain started to build up even from under my shorts , i started sobbing. Suddenly i felt her hand tugging on my shorts and before i knew it she slipped my shorts and panties down to my ankles. I felt a cold wood on my bare ass , when did she take the hair brush?!

A : "No , please don't use the hair brush! Plea-ease i'm sorr--OW!"

D : SMACK i'm no SMACK where near SMACK done SMACK SMACK

I grip the bed sheets harder as swats become faster and harder as i cried into cushion. Dam must she spank me so hard?!

D :" I have told you many times what i says in this house goes , why don't you listen to me?! How many do i have to tell you not to talk to me with that kind of attitude?! your'e still a little brat who refuse to listen to me huh?! I'm not letting you go to that party because i know how reckless you are who knows what you might do there?! " She says delivering each word with a SMACK.

At this point i'm just crying into the bed , lying limp across Denise's knee hoping she would stop soon.

A : "i-i'm so so sooorryyy....ple-please stop....."

D : "just a few more babe" SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK

D : "'s over baby....calm down calm down" She says rubbing my back , i was crying so hard i didn't notice that the spankings had stop. After i calmed down a little she picked me up slowly sitting me on her lap still rubbing my back , i buried my face in her neck mumbling apologies , my ass is so sore.

Denise POV

After i finished spanking her she didn't seem to stop crying , i slowly rub her back trying to calm her down. After her cries turn to sobs i picked her up sitting her on my lap rubbing her back as she hides her face in my neck...i hate to punish her like this and i hate to see her cry but she has to learn to obey authority. Of course i have to keep her in line i don't want anything to happen to her because of her recklessness. I snapped out of my thoughts and notice that she wasn't moving at all , she feel asleep. Ayumi feel asleep in my arms.

"my girlfriend is so cute when she's asleep" i thought as i slowly lay her on the bed , tucking her in and kissing her forehead. She was sound asleep , she must've been tired from all the crying. I went back to the kitchen to continue my work.

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