Virgil x Daughter Reader-Fluff

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Dont hit the report button
I swear its fatherly love not, like, that kinda love.
No incest
Requested by @deadshot2911
Sooooo chill
Virgil POV

Alright, maybe I did over react a bit.
I watched (Your Name) run out of the room with an angry look on her face. I just intruduced her to the other side, she was (insert age) now so i thought it would be a good idea...but as soon as we got back shem told me she was failing one of her classes. Science to be exact [HONEY SAMEEEE].

went to go after her, slightly calmed down and more upset that I got mad at her, when Logan gently grabbed my shoulder. He sighed and followed her, of all people the microsoft nerd waa the worst with emotions. This wasnt gonna end well.

She sighed, doodling in her sketch book to calm down, pictured of Alice and Wonderland and slightly smiled. She jumped when Logan walked in, quicjley hiding the book under her pillow and looking up at him, "...yea...?"
"(Your name). After observing actiona and emotions I can tell you feel," he thought for a second before snapping his fingers," Down." (Your name) giggled, softly sighing, she looked down messing with her sleeves. She mumbled a bit when she explained what happened, slowly forming into uncontrollable sobs.
"And the worst part is in scared to tell him i got the lead part my school play..."
Logan hummed, he sat on her bed beside her and calmed her down as she had her panic attack. He sighed and thought for a second, "Maybe you just convince him to go and let him watch you perform?"
Her eyes lit up a bit, nodding frantically and going downstairs.
Virgil immediatly looked up. He softly sighed hugging her and apologizing. She patted his back, holding up a flyer for the school play
And he said they could go.

----That Night----
(Your name) shook with excitement, soon she would make her debute on stage and watch her fathers face in the crowd as he realized why she wanted to come. She walked on stage, performing perfectly and improvising when she forgot the words of her character, Heather(SHUT UP HEATHER) and almost tripped. At the end she watched Virgil, his smile saying everything as the parents stood and clapped for them all.
She sighed, climbing off stage and going to see her dad when she was tackled into a hug, her girlfriend quicjley kissing her and laughing. She praised (Your name)'s performance. (Your name) looked up a Virgik worridly, smiling when she saw him smile and wink.
Who knew her dad was so supportive?

I'm sorry its so short and late T~T
I hope you enjoyed it
Thank you
Anyone feel free to make requests

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