Valentino's Betrayal

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*Warning Mentioned Sexual Assault, If you are bothered my this topic please skip this chapter*

*Valentino goes back into the Dark Forest holding his bloody shoulder and his yelling angrily*

Valentino: That stupid bitch, I almost had her until she found that knife on the ground.

*Valentino walks up to Vaggie and shows him his shoulder*

Vaggie: What the hell did you do!!

Valentino: Charlie Magne did this to me when I tried to kill her for you.

Vaggie: You did what!!!

Valentino: I tried to kill her because you wouldn't do it because your weak, you still care about her so if I took her out you can reach your full potential,

Vaggie: I can't believe you fucking used me like that *shoves him*

Valentino: I use everyone sweetheart, look at Angel Dust he turned out fine am I right?

Vaggie: I'm gonna fucking kill you!!!

Valentino: You can't because when I put the power back in you I put a magical spell around me so you can kill me with your power.

Vaggie: You son of a bitch get this power out of me!!!

Valentino: Your helpless, I'm going to teach you a lesson bitch *punches her hard*

*Vaggie gets knocked on the ground*

Vaggie: Get off of me you pig!!!

*Valentino did what he wanted to her and just left her on the ground*

Valentino: It's time for a real leader in charge *kicks her*

*Vaggie gets knocked out and stays there when Valentino's men left her there*

*4 Hours Later*

Vaggie: What the fuck happened *groans in pain*

*Vaggie sees herself in a Hut and sees someone cooking food*

Vaggie: What happened?

Stranger: I thought you would tell me, I found you on the ground and your clothes torn up.

*Vaggie begins to tear up because memories start popping up*

Stranger: It's ok I healed your wounds and gave you some fluids.

Vaggie: Who are you?

*The stranger turns around and it's Lucifer*

Vaggie: Lucifer!!!

Lucifer: Yeah it's me, Alastor was right you do have some good in you.

Vaggie: I'm not good, I tried to kill all of you.

Lucifer: You were hurt, you felt betrayed but Valentino did all those things to you and you blame led Alastor for nothing.

Vaggie: Your right, I'm a terrible friend to Charlie *sobs*

Lucifer: Listen Vaggie, when your all healed up we will go to the castle and we will talk to Charlie and Alastor and hopefully they will forgive you.

Vaggie: Ok I'll go with you, *Stomach rumbles* I'm fucking hungry *laughs*

Lucifer: Well your in luck i made some food.

Vaggie: Thank Lucifer..

Authors Note: This chapter was painful to write because this is a serious topic that happens in real life.

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