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"Oh yeh you're right we should introduce ourselves" hyunjin snapped back to reality "so I'm hyunjin I like dance and I have godly visuals"

"Hi im changbin I love darku"

"Hi im In I'm the youngest the baby or whatever"

"I'm minho Felix's brother and jisungs boyfriend"

"I'm Jisung I'm always attacked by felix and minho is my bf"

"I'm seungmin the dandy boy"

"I'm Chan" he said catching eyes with felix and they started glaring at each other. Something about this particular male pissed felix off

"Wow that was a great description" hyunjin rolled his eyes

"I'm felix, Jisung just pushed me into the school fountain and I get detention probably more than 5 times a week"

They all smiled after the introductions.

"Oh wait felix why do you always get detention?"

"Well... today for example a guy tried to come on me so I kinda beat him up. Multiple people tend to try and hit on me but I don't think they understand how many fucking times I've hit my head on a wall because of it"

"No one protects you?"

"I mean Jisung is weak as fuck and minho don't give a shit so I'm on my own" felix smiled "It's alright though, wait till I burn all their confession letters when I get home"

"You should see Felix's locker" seungmin laughed

Felix and Chan gave each other glares before turning to the rest

For the remainder of lunch the group sat and chatted about anything that came to their minds. Until it was time to go to lessons and they all went their various ways.

Felix was sat in biology class when he glanced over at a random boy who winked at him. Disgusting...

"So we have a project where you need to work in pairs. So pair up now"

Felix didn't actually have any friends in biology so he turned round and was met with none other than Chan.


"Looks like you'll have to join me sweetie" Chan smirked

"For fucks sake" felix whispered as he stood up to go and sit next to him
I already hate my life

To felix this bang chan guy just gave off bad vibes, maybe because he decided to straight up argue with him...

The biology lesson was finally over and felix could go to his last class of the day.

"Hey sungie" felix walked over his whole attitude had changed from lunch which shocked a few of the people in the group.

"Do you guys always change so quick"

"Their friendship is like a roller coaster" Minho sighed as the group watched them play rock paper sissors.


Felix walked his way over to the detention room, he'd honestly forgot he had it.

He opened the door and as usual there was no teacher there. He sat in a seat at around the middle waiting, funnily no other students came. Maybe I should just leave...

As felix thought the door swung open and in entered someone felix wished he'd never have to see.

Chan huffed catching eyes with felix before sitting down straight behind him and clicking his pen.

Felix was getting low-key pissed it had been ten minutes and this guy had not stopped clicking his pen. This is all too fucking much

Felix swiftly turned round glaring at Chan then he grabbed his pen and threw it across the room.

Chan raised and eyebrow at him before going to grab another pen. Felix stopped him by hitting the pencil pot that was infront of him onto the floor.

"Ok what are you doing" Chan snapped

"You kept clicking the pen"

"And? what's the problem?" he smirked

"The problem is you're pissing me off" Felix spat he was so done with this guy.

"Oh really, then how would you feel if I..." he grabbed Felixs wrist and put his fingers inbetween the youngers. said boy tried to remove his fingers but without success. What the fuck is this guy made out of to be so strong?

"Let me go" felix hissed

"I don't want to" Chan teased

Felix abruptly stood up yanking his hand out of Chan's grasp and storming to the door. 

"Where are you going?" He asked tilting his head in a questioning manor "You still have 35 minutes left in here"

"Fuck you"

"Stop being so feisty"

"I will be when It comes to you" Felix gritted his teeth, storming back and sitting on his seat. If I don't look at him may be he won't talk to me?

"Oh?" He raised his brow "I'm so offended"


"Good" he rolled his eyes

On the other end Chan, quite frankly, was getting annoyed. Why was it so difficult to make felix back down so he had to result to his 'irresistible flirting skills' (jazz hands)

"Come on don't be like that" he stood up, walking to the front of Felix's desk. He pulled the chair infront of the desk out and put it into Felix's desk (does that make sense? Probably not lmao)

"Are you trying to seduce me?" Felix asked a little shocked leaning far away from chan

"Maybe" Chan replied leaning forward with his head in his hands

"You touch me I'll-" Felix was about to finish his scentance but Chan moved his chair so it made a loud squeak

"You'll what?" Chan raised his eyebrow, oh the fucker knows what he's doing

I'll-" *squeak*

"Yes?" Chan's smirk was wide

Felix settled with giving him an angry look seeing as if he tried to speak he'd be interrupted.

"See I knew you'd give in"

"I'm not giving in" felix was really mad about the whole situation but was trying to keep cool.

"Hmmmm are you sure?" Chan whispered leaning forward

"Yes" felix said bluntly, the palm of his hand colliding with Chan's face to make him back up

"Oi" Chan starled back moving Felix's hand off his face 

"See you dumb fuck, dont get near me" Felix spat pointing two fingers in the direction of Chan's eyes

"Oh don't you worry" Chan composed himself "Its only a matter of time"

"Ok old man"  

Edited: 6/02/21
Edit: I changed what originally  happened in the detention scene cuz Felix ain't no bitch. He's strong and independent and should be depicted as such, I rest my case.

I may have a soft spot for jilix 😅😅

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