12 Boys & Me - The Happenings

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Chapter 41 : The Happenings

Xiumin's POV

    Lay the chef called us all out, we all started gathering by the dinning table. 'It's lunch, but this is it', I thought inside my head. I sat next to Jimin and she unfortunately sat next to Luhan, the two started fighting again about little things.  The rest who had arrived at the dinning area, were busy doing their own business.

I was left to stare at the door, waiting for the girl that I had loved to come in with her fiance. I was left with alot of wonders, I don't know which one of us was her fiance , but whoever he was , I hope his someone who's trustworthy and someone who'll never hurt her.  The food was served by the table, none of us touched it as Suho told us that it was unpleasant to eat without the guests.

"What's taking them so long?", Chanyeol who had been admiring the kimbap rolls right infront of him, questioned like a child.  We all just waited for a few more minutes. Everyone wasn't around yet, Kai and Sehun arrived, followed by Baekhyun. The people not around yet were, her, D.O , Chen and Tao .

Chen, Tao and D.O made their appearance , and I was shock to find her not around.  All twelve of us were here, but where is she and who's this fiance of hers?.  "Where is she?" , I questioned them as I stood up. "Right here..." , she walked in and smiled brightly , that made me sit back down.

"Now that we're all complete shall we begin?", Suho announced ; today he was like an mc. "What's the event today?", Luhan raised a brow cluelessly. "Idiot! everyone doesn't know either..", Jimin annoyingly told him. "Shut up!, I wasn't talking to you tomato!", Luhan shot back and they both glared at each other.

"Hey no fighting at the table.." , Suho warned and the two shot each other another glare and we all laughed. "Hello everyone, uhm some of you here might not even know who I am, so i'm going to introduce myself", She said as she stood up.

"My name is Sunny , I'm from the girl group known as girls generation", I smiled at her as she made her introduction, "I'm sorry to cause you guys trouble, but i'm here to introduce myself as Kyungsoo's fiance...". She sat back down with a smile.

We all fell silent, what an unbelievable twist of event, I thought it would be someone like Kris. The moment I heard her fiance was D.O , I smiled knowing that, that guy is a good one. I was glad he wasn't a playboy. The silence broke when Sehun spoke, "This was unexpected, and at the same time unbelievable... well congrats Hyung! and Sunny noona!", the kiddo smiled brightly.

We all congratulated the couple and began our feasts - not really a feasts. The time passed by fast, as we chat along and Sunny introduced me as her childhood friend. The feeling I had earlier was far more different now. I don't know but I suddenly felt out of shape.

"Are you alright?" , I turned around to Jimin and she smiled at me widely. I gave her a faint smile and told her I was just feeling full and not hungry anymore. She replied, "Well you should probably meditate ... good thing I still sat beside a normal person unlike that guy over there.." , she pointed at Luhan. That made me smile a little.

"You two should get married..." , when I said that she shot me a deadly look so I took it back. "I never knew you had a childhood friend , from a very famous k-pop idol group ...", she said with eyes sparkling. "It was suppose to be a secret but, since it's all out ... oh well... ", I replied and added, "are you a fan?" .

"Nope not that of a fan, I just heard from them and I'm a country bunchkin so I don't really know anything about the high class and modern world..", She replied and her smile somehow turned faint like mine. 'So she was a country bunchkin...' , I thought. "I thought you were a city girl before, turns out I was wrong..", I gave her another faint smile and she gave me one back.

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