Chapter 4: Discussion

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(Meme placed on top is not mine)


Somewhere in Benragrade


The remaining Saderans have been captured and imprisoned. Those who resisted were shot in sight.

A prison complex was already built on the outskirts of the city of Valiace. The Saderan prisoners of war were thrown inside them to decide their fate.

The nobles that complained about their prison quality were made to shut up by any means necessary. The prisoners of war here we're considered to be luckier. If they were captured by the Aetherian people or the Voidborn Tuks, pain and misery will be their fate. Not a pretty end.


(Filler scene)

Nath had slammed a folder on a table. He was in his personal quarters in a protected area in Benragrade.

"45 dead. Not too significant numerically... But the fact that innocent people died!" Nath said as he then put his hands on his head.

"An absolute shame indeed." Angie said from behind, she had a shawarma in her hand. The way she ate was oddly serious.

"I can't take you seriously when you eat in that serious manner." Nath said, just in time for Angie to swallow the food inside her mouth.

"Apologies then." Angie said before she basically swallowed her entire shawarma in three massive bites. Excluding the wrapper of course.

"Uh..." Nath looked in surprise at what his girlfriend did. Then the door to his room opened.

In goes Shan Phillips, Amber, and Nikki Burvens.

"Hey Nath." Shan said.

"He lost one of his three lives as he crashed to the ground. He died before meeting combat." Nikki said, hearing this Nath made an accidental laugh and Angie coughed.

Amber laughed a bit, making a few snorts as she did so. "Hehehe! I could have imagined him actually dying in combat but noo... He had to die by crashing to the ground!" Amber said before she started to laugh hysterically.

"Seriously?" Nath asked in which Nikki nodded. Shan looked away in embarrassment.

"Hey it happens to all of us friend." Angie said as she wiped her mouth of shwarma sauce.

"Oh yeah, I can imagine your stomach in pain after basically inhaling a large chunk of unchewed food." Shan retorted.

"I am an Aetherian Transhuman Protocol Specialist breed. I can physically eat rotten food without suffering food poisoning. My stomach acids are powerful enough to do so. Though doing so is still disgusting."

"Hypocrite." Nath, Nikki, Amber, and Shan all said to Angie.

A tick mark formed on Angie's forehead. And her face blushed in anger, "Hey what's that supposed to mean! You Garserians are much more hypocritical than me!"

"True." Nath, Shan, and Amber all nodded.

"Um, can't relate. I'm from Corpestine." Nikki said as she raised a finger.

(Corpestine is a faction that the Garserian Union has a special trade deal with. Corpestine in itself is a gigantic megacorporation that creates and sells products to other groups. These range from weapons, robotics, data networks, computer systems, and even have branch restaurants for food)

"Anyways. I've been trying to reunite Nexus Squad. Have you seen Leonard anywhere?" Nath asked.

"No need Nath." A voice was heard belonging to a man. Nath then looked to a window and saw a man wearing a black combat soldier uniform tapping on the glass.

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