Chapter 5

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Sorry for being late! Enjoy the chapter!

"Ministry of Magic!"

It felt as though Ed was being sucked down a giant drain. He seemed to be spinning very fast and he could feel the unpleasantness that came with magical transportation. He had thought that the Floo powder would have been better than the portkey but nope! Still shitty.

Finally he fell; face forward, onto cold stone. He looked around at the spacious area around him. The walls on every side were paneled in shiny dark wood and had many gilded fireplaces set into them, just like the one he just exited.

Halfway down the hall was a fountain. A group of golden statues, larger than life, stood in the middle of a circular pool. The tallest of them all was a noble-looking wizard with his wand pointing straight up in the air.

Grouped around him were a beautiful witch, a centaur, a goblin, and a house-elf. The last three were all looking adoringly up at the witch and wizard. Ed knew just by looking at the statue and by how the goblins at Gringotts acted that the fountain was bullshitting about the wizard's 'nobleness'.

There were also many wizards and witches popping up magically around the hall. They were all walking to a set of golden gates and the trio followed them.

As they passed the fountain Ed saw silver Sickles and bronze Knuts glinting up at him from the bottom of the pool. A small, smudged sign beside it read:

All proceeds from the Fountain of Magical Brethren will be given to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries

Ed took a Gallon from his pocket and tossed it to the fountain only to see Al and Winry looking fondly at him.

"What?" he asked annoyingly.

"Nothing" They both shook their heads before taking a gallon from their own pockets and tossing it into the fountain.

They stepped out of the stream of the Ministry employees heading for the golden gates, and towards a desk on the left, where they saw a sign saying SECURITY.

"We're here for the Amestrian exams?" Al asked politely for the trio.

"Step over here," said the wizard in a bored voice.

The trio walked closer to him and the wizard held up a long golden rod, thin and flexible, and passed it up and down their front and back.

"Wand," grunted the security wizard, putting down the golden instrument and holding out his hand. The wizard dropped them onto a strange brass instrument one by one, which looked something like a set of scales with only one dish. It began to vibrate and a narrow strip of parchment came speeding out of a slit in the base. The wizard tore this off and read the details of their wands.

"I keep this," said the wizard, impaling the slip of parchment on a small brass spike. "You get this and this back," he added, thrusting the wands and three badges reading 'Amestrian Exam Applicant' at them. "Wait with the others till someone comes for you."

They saw then that there were other children from age 11 to almost 19 standing around nervously. The trio went to them and didn't have to wait long for another wizard to take them to the golden gates and the examination center.

Jostled slightly by the crowd, Ed followed the wizard through the gates into the smaller hall beyond, where at least twenty lifts stood behind wrought golden grilles. It seemed that they had three lifts already reserved for them.

They exited at a floor where there was a small hallway and giant double doors.

"Please wait here for a few minutes. You're examination will start shortly." With that the wizard went back up in the lift.

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