I don't trust him

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Finally school was over, and Ava was finally free to go home. But first she needed to talk to Leif.

"Hey Ava, wait up!" Asch called and ran up to her. She knew what he was gonna ask, he had been looking at her strangely all day.

"Is everything all right?" she asked. Asch could swear that there was a hint of laughter on her face.

"Who are you and what have you done to Ava? If my eyes saw correctly you and Steve were actually talking to each other, and not fighting!"

Ava smiled a bit. "You saw correctly. We decided to start over. We aren't friends, but we aren't enemies anymore."

Asch looked a bit concerned. He was gonna say something, but decided not to, as he knew it was a stupid question. He just didn't trust Steve. There was nothing more to say about it. But what could he do. If Ava thought it was best, then he wasn't gonna get in the way. But he would still be watching him to make sure he didn't slip up.

"It'll be fine, I promise," Ava smiled reassuringly.

"Now, I gotta go find Leif," with that she ran down the hall, trying to catch Leif before he left. She found him sitting outside under their tree doing his homework (which there was a ton of) and sat down next to him. He smiled at her and then went straight back to his work. Ava on the other hand, was too lazy to do homework at the moment, so she decided to watch more youtube videos. (of cats, obviously) they sat there for a little while, enjoying the silence and just taking in nature. After a bit, Leif looked up at her.

"What am I supposed to do? I can't go home, but I have to,"

Ava could tell that Leif was on the edge of crying. She gave him a hug and tried to calm him down.

"My place is always open for you, You know that. Also we really need to talk to someone professional about this. It's the best for you."

Leif started to cry. He knew Ava was right, it's just that it's all so hard!

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