Amethyst: The Difference of Twins

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Amethyst stared out the glass window towards the sea. She could feel it calling her, stronger than ever. She glanced at Petra on the rickety couch. As always, she was napping.

Her sister was a stunning beauty. Her features were perfectly symmetrical and the blue at the end of her hair complemented her silver grey eyes, ones that drew everyone in to have another look at the enigmatic beauty. 

 As for Amethyst, she was quite average, with a slightly squashed nose and perfectly straight hair that refused to be curled or frame her face in a way that was acceptable. 

Except for her eyes. Beautiful, shining purple.

It was one of the parts that spelled her difference from her twin. But, she supposed, at least her eyes were something.

She glared at the clock. Only 10:08 am. An entire day left of being home schooled. 

She wished it was night already. Only under the cover of the night would she go to the ocean, and dance among its embrace.

It had always called to her, more than it did to Petra. In fact, it was one of the only three things that Amethyst had that made her unique compared to her beauty of a twin. 

Amethyst, true to her looks, was more studious and observant than her sister. 

But the last thing... it was absurd that such a gift, such an idea of a gift it that was all it really was, could exist among the lands of the human.

She could control the ocean waves. Enough to make them dance and follow her every command. 

She came to realize that the ocean reflected her moods. Whenever she came to the ocean in a rage, the waves hit the shore with the force of a thousand bricks. Whenever it was a happier day, the ocean lapped up against the shore, twirling around her feet. 

It was such a strange gift that Amethyst found herself laughing at night at the absurdity. Some days, she doubted that she had this gift, and that it was simply a coincidence.

But on other days, she could feel it in her heart. 

The ocean was calling to her. 

Amethyst glanced over at her sister again. She had to keep this a secret, if anything to conceal another oddity about her. 

It was better as a secret. 

Author's Note:

Jess here! Like I said, I'm writing Amethyst's character... I suppose her powers are a bit cheesy, but it sets up what's to come (evil laugh). Anyways, hope you enjoyed it!!! 

Random fact about me: I love sweets! Mainly chocolate, ice cream, cake, etc. 

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