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Hey guys. I have a long chapter for you! It's been a while since I last updated so here it is😁

Also most I've ever written in this. More then 3.300 words

Nooo! My alarm went off. I open my eyes. It's 7:01 AM. And it's Friday. Omg I have the test today at Stark Tower. Aaaahh, I'm so excited... And nervous. I get out of bed and change into some normal clothes. My bruises are all gone. After I brushed my teeth, I grab my backpack and walk to the the kitchen. Apples! I grab an apple from the bowl and put it in my backpack and grab another one to eat now. I open the fridge and see milk, water, carrots, yes! Carrots. I grab one carrot and put it on the counter. Let's see if we got some more stuff. Ummm eggs! I grab one egg and close the fridge. I grab a pan and crack the egg open. Now I'm gonna peel off the outside of the carrot with a knife. I cut my finger. Aaah, that hurts. The blood comes out of me. Luckily there was not much blood but it still hurts. I wiped the blood away with a cloth. It will heal fast, I'm sure of it. I peel the carrot some more. Finally, I'm done. Oh no the egg! I forgot the egg. I check if the egg is still good or not. Okay the egg is good. I grab a plate and put the egg on it. I grab a glass and put some water in. When I got everything I went to the table with a carrot in my mouth and set it all down, except the carrot. I'm eating that now.

I was finally done with the food. I look at my phone. It's 8:03. I have to go! I took my glass and plate from the table and put it in the sink. No time to clean it. I'll do it later. Wait. Later I have the test! Well, after that then, maybe. I grab my backpack and walk out of the door and locked it. After, I ran out of the apartment complex. On the way to school I saw that a cat was following me. Why? I don't know. Well, I'm not sure if it's following me but the cat was behind me for 5 minutes. A few minutes later I look behind me but the cat is gone. Okay... maybe it wasn't following me. I finally see the school and run towards it. I'm a little late. I open the door of the the school and see Flash?! Oh no, I have to hide. I don't want him to hit me. Not today. I hid in the bathroom. 2 minutes later I decided to see if he's gone. Yes, he's gone. Now go to the first class, History.

*Time skip*

It's now lunch. I'm really hungry. I walk with MJ and Ned towards the cafeteria. When we arrive we bought some food and walked towards our table. I didn't see Wade. Should I text him? Umm yes, obviously.

Hey Wade, where are you?

Around 1 minute later he replied back.

Hi Petey, I'm almost there😁


"Hey guys Wade is almost here." I say to my friends.

They nodded their heads and began to eat their food. I just waited for Wade. A few minutes later I see Wade walking towards us with food in his hands.

"Hi wade." I say to him with a smile.

"Hi Pete." He said back, also with a smile. A cute smile I must say.

He sat down next to me. I started to eat now too. We all talked a little while eating our food. Mostly about Spiderman and that the Avengers captured me. I told them about what it looks like, well, where I was and that Wade came to me and helped me escape. Yes, my friends know who Wade is. We also talked about Stark Tower. That's where I'm gonna go later today.

After lunch MJ, Ned and me went to English and Wade went to his class, Math. We are now working on our project with Nora. Nora and MJ worked on a part together and me and Ned on another part. When we are done we put it all together. Of course we are not done with the whole project. Only a little bit. We have only written about 3,000 words. 7,000 words to go. Luckily, we still have one week to finish it but won't do it much in class. So we have to do this outside school, otherwise we won't get to 10,000 words.

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