The Authors' Introduction

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Hi ya'll! I collaborated with a friend of mine (Angel!!!) to work on this story... 

I'm a high school student - going into junior year! - and I've always loved writing. This story is just a chance for myself and Angel to express ourselves...

Anyways, I took care of Amethyst's part, and designed her character and her entire arc. I personally vibe with Amethyst, and I think in more ways than one, we are very similar. 

I don't have a personal account as of now, so that's that!

I hope you enjoy the story that Angel and I put together!!!


Hello! My name is Angel! 

I have been using Wattpad for 6 years! 

Jessica and I have been working together on this little story that we've put together for everyone! As we wrote, we fell more in love with the story and the characters until it came time to put them to rest. When the story came to a close and we told ourselves it was time that we ended it, we found ourselves attached to the characters that we had built. Although it was tempting to continue their stories and stretch it out, we realize that that would be selfish. Our characters deserve an ending to their chaos - a closure of some sort. And so, we ended the story and proceed to excitedly share it with readers across Wattpad.

In our collaboration, I wrote Petra's part. My written parts will be titled "Petra: " with the chapter's title added on. 

As this is a collaboration account, my personal Wattpad account is angelsorchid .

On my personal account, you will find recommended books in my reading lists! A number of them are older books on the platform as I've been on here a very long time. So if you're ever looking for something to read, check those reading lists out!!

Anyways, Swipe/Scroll to go on with The Darkness Within !!!

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