chapter 18

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Someone asked me how I am....
I simply answered dancing in my own lullabies - selvi patel.

Song :  hurts so good by Astrid S


The rays of the sun peeking through the curtains fell right into my face instantly warming my face, the kind of warmth that was comforting.

I opened my eyes and instantly regretted it as they stung so bad from all the crying I did and no doubt were swollen. Today I needed to turn to my ultimate saviour and that was make up.
I needed to make some non-crying eyes or the eyes that said yes I was crying but it's not that bad I don't even think that makes any sense but then again nothing made sense in my life at this stage .

Kate wasn't even here so I couldn't share my sorrows with her and get a shoulder to cry on. I really wasn't in the mood to go or do anything,all I wanted to do was curl up in my bed and sleep the whole day with junk and wine to comfort me. I felt so drained of all my energy.

Love was tiresome and I am angry at all those romantic movies for expressing love as the greatest gift,feeling and emotion now that sounded so cool an ultimate experience everyone would desire. I hated myself more for believing that I will actually find true love and I will find that in Shawn .

I knew I couldn't still be holding any sort of a position in that company not even as a cleaner. I really hoped Shawn would give me a chance to explain myself and atleast try to understand.

I forced myself out of the bed and into the shower literally dragging myself.

I decided to wear casual jeans with a royal blue blouse. I applied minimal make up but really worked on my eyes .
I decided to skip breakfast as I had no appetite for anything and I knew Shawn would fill my stomach with his hurtful words.

I decided to walk as I would get some fresh air and would try to clear my head a little but that was a lie as I only thought about how I would approach Shawn and what exactly would I tell him...I was so lost in the thoughts that I didn't even realised I almost knocked off an elderly lady,she was almost falling but luckily I cought her in time.

My knees became wobbly and shaky as soon as I looked at the infurstructure infront of me.
Hell this place has made me scared from the time I started working here even the horror movies didn't do much of a injustice.

I knew my motives at this point too well I needed to tell Shawn exactly what happened. I needed to fix this mess that mostly Vanessa caused but I'm also to be blamed as I was not too careful around it. It was incredibly imperative to justify a few things and yes I was ready for the storm.

As soon as I entered my floor stepping out of the elevator I noticed Lisa. I was surprised to see her as she was on a maternity leave and oh boy the belly looked insignificantly enormous.

Wait did Shawn call her, what if maybe he already fired me and so he needed a replacement. Okay I needed to calm down and think clear.

"Hey, morning Lisa how are you and the ( I pointed at her belly ) the baby?",I asked sounding excited to see her.

"Hey, Mia it's really nice to see and we're both fine", she placed her hand on her belly giving it a circular rub.

"So what are you doing here aren't you suppose to be resting at home", I asked as I was indeed skeptical.

"Oh yes , Shawn called me last night saying he wanted to discuss something urgent I'm not really sure myself as he did not say anything infact I'm waiting for him to arrive since I also have a doctor's appointment", she says looking at Shawn's office then to her watch and back at me.

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