Chapter 5

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No ones POV

"Then the next thing I did was let the darkness pull me back down." John said while looking at the ground not wanting to look any of them in the eye .

Remi who had been willing to follow Arlo ,started to have doubts looked to Isen for any confirmation that John wasn't lying just so she could continue to trust him but Isen just shook his head no

"John has been telling the truth, for now I'll trust him." Remi thought "Ok what happened afterwards ?" she then asked

"Asked Elaine she tended to their injuries and saw the wounds I sustained " John replied

"Elaine please elaborate." Blyke asked

"Melli had several broken bones that indicated a fall from a great height and slice marks on her hands and chest , Ventus had multiple stab wounds threw his hands and back not to deep to warrant any concern but deep enough to put him in shock , Arlo , even though he didn't let me heal him had wounds similar to when Seraphina shatters his barrier " Elaine explained "And John had several cuts and lacerations indicating self-defense and a shattered arm "

John looked at Elaine in shock "Wow, I can't believe that you actually said I fought in self-defense and not lie and say I attacked like a wild savage animal unprovoked to cover up for Arlo "

Elaine glared at him "It's not like I have a choice Isen is watching for lies."

"Ok ,so this is the second time you beat Arlo. "Blyke confirmed.
" With one hand. " John replied

"With one hand?" Remi echoed back, she almost didn't want to believe it but she had experience it first-hand ,John's skill and power it's something out of this world.

"After all of it was done ,I didn't want to be king again. I only wanted to atone for what I had done in New Boston so ,I told one thing before I left to go home "If anyone finds out what happened I'll dethrone you" John said while staring a hole in the ground "I walked home just contemplating why all that just happened , what I did to him to deserve that, What gave him the right to get Sera suspended when the only thing she did was be my friend, and why people feel that they are entitled to abuse the weak just because of they have a little power over them, at that moment I just gave up on trying to see the good in people . If they wanted a fight I'd give them one, I'd hurt them the same way they hurt me and so many other. Next thing I knew Sera was in front of me and I just broke down in the middle of the road at that I just wanted a car to just crash into me and end it all, I didn't want her to see me like that because I'd couldn't look at myself after what happened What I was thinking. After that Elaine came and went and talking to Sera how she was finally able to stand up to her mom, I decided to hold on to what little hope I had , if only so I could enjoy life with her if for just a little while."
"Arlo ,did you really do this ?" Remi asked .

"Yes but only because he wasn't acting his rank and he needed to put were he belonged" .Arlo said trying to justify his actions. "He also forced Seraphina to abandon her rightful place and made her protect him,he been using her so he didn't have to fight" .

"Firstly Arlo who the Fuck are you to decide were I belong ?,Who gave you that right ?,Secondly your first response to me not shitting myself for bumping into you was to drag me of somewhere and have me beaten for your own entertainment ,I thought I have mental issues but your a full on sociopath, Third I never used nor would I ever use Sera , she means to much to me ,Fouth I never asked nor did I want her to protect me , just talking to her ,drinking to boba with her , going shopping with her even though I despise it more than anything is enough for me." John screamed at Arlo , it unnerved everyone in the room but they all watched intently with focus .

"Lastly ,who the hell are you to decide where Sera's place is ?, She has spent most of her life living for other people, she became queen not because she wanted to but because she was expected to, She was hurt and miserable yet she endured it for the sake of others ,while you guys her friends never noticed or never cared to anything and the one thing she ever did for herself you act as if she committed genocide all because she was tired of all the responsibilities, she has a right to live her life how ever she sees fit"

Seraphina on the other side of the door was overcome with relief "It wasn't all a lie ,he actually care's about me ,about our friendship" She thought "but why did he lie about his powers, why endure the suffering of a cripple ,What happened in New Boston ,he keeps on mentioning it ,What is Arlo true reasoning behind all of this because he seems to be the cause behind these events and he keeps on lying about it."

"Ok,John something is bugging me,that day when the school found out that Seraphina lost her powers ,why didn't you fight back you could have destroyed them easily but you didn't ." Blyke asked .
"That's a good question ,Blyke" Elaine said "You have no problem pushing down your power down on others why didn't you do it then ."

"Two very important reasons why I couldn't fight back" . John answered back . "The first is that if I did then Sera would be all alone, Anyone can protect you ,though sometimes that kindness can often be cruel because it can remind you how powerless you really are,but not many people will endure your suffering with you ,to show you that you're not alone and to show them that they are worth it ."

Remi and Elaine were shocked ,they knew Seraphina was important to him ,they didn't think that he would endure all that pain for her. They looked at Isen to see if John was really telling the truth .

"He's telling the truth ,which is more then I can say about Someone people here" Isen said

"Watch your tongue Isen !" Arlo said in a deadly tone.

"Or What your gonna beat him up , I won't let that happen Arlo" Remi said

Arlo hung his head down in contempt he knew that he had lost Remi.

"And the second ?" Isen asked
"I wanted to give the students of Wellston ,one last chance to prove they're worth a damn ,if they left Seraphina alone , I would left them alone but they didn't do here we are with a masked psycho that more powerful then there royals." John replied grimly.

"What I don't understand is why Arlo would do this?" Blyke asked a little confused
Remi,Isen and Elaine sat there pondering for a moment ,Arlo began to fidget nervously but before Remi could asked him John spoke up.

"Isn't it obvious he wanted to replace you and Remi".

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