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through the eyes of another

Morpheus slithered his hands up my neck and locked his palms on my jaw, the intimate action smothered me in warmth at his hold and I drew in one last conscious breath of air. My pupils dilated as they stared into his, watching me with a heated gaze, while I was grasping at something, yet nothing.

My vision blurred, as his cleared.

The tan of my skin lit up against the natural sunlight shining through the large openings of the many windows. The searing beams of the sun were hitting the desk without a shadow to be found, and the heat was strong enough to light the papers on fire. Ah, if only.

An uncomfortable itch had formed on my collarbone at the sight of the four terribly familiar walls, caging me in as if I was one of the bloody rogues rotting in the dungeons, and I let out a dissatisfied grunt. The main office was where I really longed to be, but unfortunately, I was trapped in the one hidden away at the very top of the pack house. A secret to all, except two.

A private office was not a complimented decision among members of any pack.

To gain his attention, something that was becoming harder to obtain as time went on, I faked a simple cough. Shaking my head once I finished reading the written words, the idea could not be comprehended in my mind at all. He must have been playing a cruel trick. Even now, he should still have his wits. I asked, almost hesitating, "Father, do you honestly believe that the rest of the Alphas will think this is the truth?"

Leaning back into the seat, the letter easily slipped through my fingers as I loosened my grip, absolutely digusted with the contents. A sick ache dug at my stomach. And, I looked up towards him with a questioning, judgemental glint. How could he? Why?

My father, a man of great stature, respected by all and feared by most. He was indeed powerful, but the wolf scratching at the back of my head promised, 'You are more'. His shoulders rolled as he straightened his posture, threatened by my eyes on his form, for his back was the weakest piece of him. "They must. This is the only way."

"You are lying to them." The details of the letters, most sealed and ready to be sent, were wrapped in a web of deceit. There was no need to spread such blasphemy.

"Do not call me a liar," he growled his words as he turned, glaring over his shoulder with his teeth bared. At me.

Age was changing him, I thought, completely. Each passing day, he would grow even more defensive than the last. Part of me knew what was leading him astray, shifting his demeanor and his feelings for me. I was not a son that was made with his mate. And, fate had played him as though he was but a fool.

A common error that was made by my own mother, and, of course, the lady of love herself. Goddess Živa, and the very woman who raised me, Goddess Dalnim.

"That is the beauty of it," my mother would claim, "the chase. To not know who they have been paired with. The surprise. The fate of mates is even a mystery to me, and that first meeting, that instant click, is riveting."

Her words went in one ear, and out the other. I did not want to wait. I wanted to know. And, I had begged them many times to tell me who I was meant for, Živa would ignore me, and Mother's answer was always the same.

Mated to MorpheusWhere stories live. Discover now