Him | Chapter Five

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Sometimes I would invite Robertson boys, Sam and Andrew, to her house and asked her if they could join us. She would always say yes. She loved playing together with us although us boys wouldn't play her kind of games. In summer and spring, we'd go cycling around the neighbourhood, go to the small river down the stone bridges and become pirates, I always got to be the cook while she was the captain. Ironic how she could tell us to be anything but the captain, and we would just agree. However, England being England, we cannot hope much on its weather, it rains anytime, even when it's summer. It made us sometimes have to stay inside. But if the rain is light, we'd go outside and play in the rain.

In autumn, we would go to her house reading books from her library or swim in the nice warm pool she had. After that, we'd get some hot chocolate. My favourite time ever. However, it wasn't always the four of us. There were days when Sam and Andrew didn't want to join, and that days had a great impact to our friendship. By the year of 2013 Quincy and I were already best friends. We were as close as brother and sister. We enjoyed being with each other, yet we would fight now and then, but it was never really a matter. Because at the end of the day, I would feel empty without her and eventually go back and try to talk to her wishing she would just forget about what we had earlier.

- 25 July 2013, Oldsbourne.

I am going to year 4 now.

It's been a year after I saw the new girl. Her name is Quincy by the way and she's the same age as me. We go to the same school and now are friends. Don't get me wrong, girls are still annoying, but she is an exception. She is really kind and sweet. Sometimes she does talk a lot, but it's still fun hanging out with her however.

This summer my family are just going to go to the beach and nowhere else. Probably go to my cousin's house too. I don't know why our summer holiday keeps going downhill. But at least, Quincy and the Robertsons are going to be here as well all summer.

There has been a rumour about a dead kid somewhere in the wood. I personally do not believe it. The people that spread the rumour must be some kind of fans of Stand by Me. Dad showed me the film last week. He said it was his favourite film when he was a kid. Mum said she has had a crush on River Phoenix since then.

Sam thinks we might find the dead body, Quincy is also on his side. Andrew doesn't care. Me, like I said, I don't even think the rumour is true. But okay, I think that's all for today's note. Quincy, Andrew, and Sam are at the door. We're going to explore the neighbourhood with our bicycle and try to see if the rumour is true.

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That summer we spent almost a whole week looking for a dead body before Sam could finally accept the fact that rumour stays as rumour. As week gone by, the dead kid rumour was easily forgotten by us. When we went back to school, we totally forgot that rumour even existed, it was just like a leaf being blew by the wind.

The school year gone so quickly we didn't realise it's already the end of summer term again. Quincy and I was going to be in year five just after we spend the summer holiday. I was a little bit worried about this summer. My family hadn't said anything about going on holiday. I really wished this year we're finally going somewhere fun, I was so bored of staying in Oldsbourne.

A few weeks before the final exams of year four happened, Quincy mentioned an idea of going to her family cottage in Cornwall this summer, she said I could come if I want. I had not said anything to that, but I thought it was a good idea since I was really close to her family too. The problem is, would my parents allow me?

I told Elisha about this and he said he was going to ask Mum if I could go, and after almost two days, Mum called me and asked about me going to Cornwall. She said she had called Angelina, Quincy's mum, and talked about it. Mum said, I could go with the Curlstons, only if I passed my final exam with some specific high scores she had already targeted. Easy one. I was sure I was gonna make it.

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