Young Rouge- 25

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Chapter 25
Layla's POV

It has been a few days since the disaster dinner with my family. They have texted me asking questions, but all I have told them was to wait till we come back but I guess they are as impatient as I am.

Tomorrow is when we actually leave for California. I am excited and nervous. This is my first event as a Luna even if I'm not officially Luna yet.

Ryder said to go ahead and start introducing myself and Luna Layla or Luna Strong using his last name. He said and I quote 'it's going to be like that in the future anyway. Why not just get used to it now.' But I know he just secretly loved the sound of Layla Strong.

It is going to be weird referring to myself by his last name, but I also kind of love it. Layla Strong.

I feel myself shiver but not because of what I was thinking about but the touch of my mate.

"What were you thinking about?" He asks with a smirk noticing my shiver.

"Um. I was thinking about meeting the other Alphas and Lunas." I said. It wasn't a lie but it also wasn't the full truth but he accepted my answer.

"It's going to be fine." He tells me. "Everyone is going to love you. All the Alphas and Lunas are pretty nice as long as you don't disrespect them." Ryder said reminding me of rule number 1.

1- Always call a rank by their title unless they say otherwise.
2- Correct them if they call me human. But don't tell them that I am a Fox Spirit specifically.
3- Stay close to Ryder at all times so they know I have a mate and how it is.

"I just don't want to make a fool of myself." I say falling back on the bed covering me face.

I feel Ryder move over me and taking my hands away from my face. "You're going to be ok. I promise I won't let you 'make a fool' of yourself." He said. He always makes me feel better about all this. I sometimes wonder if I am doing good as a Luna.

I am knocked out of my thoughts with a kiss from Ryder. He could probably tell my mind was still stressing over everything.

I felt my mind slip away as he kissed me. I move to kiss back letting myself only focus on Ryder.

Every part of my body felt like it was on fire. He moved off my lips and kissed from my cheek down my neck. I let a little wimper out telling him I wasn't ready for him to mark me.

He moved away from my neck gaining my message and sitting up to look at me.

It wasn't that I never want him to mark me. The more and more I think about it the more I do want him to but I am nervous.

Marking, from I gathered is like the final connection between us. Once we are marked are bond strengthens, and I become Luna. But I don't know if I am ready for that or if I would be a good Luna at all.

Ryder again stopping my thoughts before they got to far. "Hey its ok if you aren't sure about this. Its ok. I will wait for as long as you need."

How is he so amazing.

"Cause he just is" Vixen says making me smile.

I move and rap my arms around him pulling him further down. He rolled over on his back and I snuggling into his chest. We have been doing that alot more recently but it is just to comfortable to not.

We laid there for awhile. It was already 6 when I looked at the clock again. We have 12 hours till we have to leave. We were all packed and ready.

Ryder started to move and got up off the bed stretching as he got up. He looked back to me and asked "Do you want to go for a long run. I don't know if we will have time to go for a run in California."

I nodded my head feeling Vix's excitement.

We walk out the back door near the woods. I shift quickly not needing to change. I look back to Ryder. This is his first time getting a good look at my fox.

He walks up to me putting his hand behind my ear scratching lightly. I feel my tail wag like I was a pup. And the smile on Ryders face told me he knew I was enjoying this.

"You go run along. I got to undress and shift." He said. "Just don't go to far. Ok?" I nodded my head and turned to the woods.

I listened to him and didn't go far. He soon joined me in his wolf form. And let me tell you his wolf had the darkest black colored fur. He could easily hide in the shadows and you would only see his green eyes.

In a brief conversation he had told me his wolf is named Balto.

After letting him walk close to me and show me some affection I ran straight into the woods. Ryder of course right on my tail literally.

I picked up the speed and even jumped into the trees for a little, shocking him.

I jumped down into this wide opening, and it had a great view of the sun starting to set.

I heard a noise, and assuming it was Ryder I pounced where the noise was but instead of Ryder it was a kid maybe 11 or 12.

I quickly got off of him and with his smell hitting me I knew he was a rouge. I quickly shifted to my human form.

"Hey, hey its ok." I say seeing his frightened state.

"I'm sorry. They make me do this. I don't want to watch you but they make me. Please don't hurt me Luna." He says trying to crawl away from me.

I try to calm him but a low growl comes from behind me making my body whole body shiver.

I turned around to see Ryder low and ready to attack the Young Rouge. I start talking to him trying to calm him so he doesn't hurt this already traumatized Pup.

"Ryder calm down. It's ok. He is only a kid he can't hurt me. I promise." I say rubbing my hand on his fur constantly looking back to make sure the kid stayed put.

"What's your name?" I ask him

"Thomas." He says shaky. "I am really sorry Alpha and Luna." He bows his head to us.

For a rouge pup he sure acts like a pack member.

"It's ok. But I suggest getting out of here before Alpha Ryder decides he doesn't accept your apology." I say moving to him slowly helping him up.

He was so small and skinny.

"Thank you, Thank you Luna. I promise if you ever need help I will help." The boy says childishly. I will probably never see him again but still the gesture is there.

"I will hold you to that." I said nodding my head to him to go. He runs off fast.

And as soon as Thomas is fully gone Ryder jumps up knocking me down. He wasn't trying to hurt me but I knew he was upset at me for making him let the rouge go.

"Ok. Ok, I'm sorry I wanted to save a little boy from a jail cell." I say looking up into his eyes.

He just lays lightly on me. He was for sure protective.

After a minute of him on top of me and decide I wanted up. "Ryder. If you can get off of me I can shift and we can run around. You know have fun like we planned." I told him lightly push at him to get up.

He did as I asked and got up letting me shift. And we did like I said. Ran around the territory, we had fun in wolf and fox form. But we had to head back to get a little rest and then to the airport to go off to California.

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