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Okay, so my whole family is white. BUT, they think it's okay to say the N word. I, myself, DO NOT say the n word. Why in the world would someone say the n word? Yes, black people can.

But, if you're white and you say the n word, you ARE DISGUSTING AND DO NOT TALK TO ME EVER. You're gross. Also, if you're black and give someone the n word pass, wtf is wrong with you?

When I listen to a song with the n word of course i don't say it. Because I respect black people. Even my friends say the n word(we are in fucking middle school).

If you're black don't give someone the n word pass. That's so stupid and wrong. They're gonna take that for granted. I'm pretty sure I've been called the n word. I'm white like I mentioned earlier.

My mom and my brother constantly say it. Yes, I tell them to stop. But of course they dont. Its annoying and rude. My mom calls "black people music" jig-a-boo music which I dont understand what that means or why she says that.

Moral of the story, dont give someone the n word pass. Ever. And don't say it if you're a different race from white. I think mixed people can say it. I'm not sure. But yeah please dont say it. Goodbye, my loves.

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