Chapter Twenty Seven

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 Not edited. (Sorry for spelling mistakes.)

In the morning, Savannah took off for a walk with Eleanor. Eleanor wanted to help take her mind away from the situation that happened last night. I didn’t like the idea of letting them both alone, but I think Savannah deserves to be with a woman right now – they would understand each other.

“Niall you ignorant slut.”

“He's bad at playing cards, Louis. You know that.” Harry defends me and picks up the cards from the floor. He puts them back on the table and Louis playfully punches my arm.

“Or he’s just not concentrating,” he puts his chin on his fists and stares at me.

“I mean, can you blame him? Last night was total bullshit.” Nick stands up and walks over to the little refrigerator to take out a beer. He sits on the edge of the bed, letting us know he won’t play cards with us anymore.

“Not really, Daniel got what he deserves. I’m just thinking what he might do to her when we leave. We won’t have her back when we’re back in London, you know?”

“I think you worry too much. Savannah is a grown woman; she might know what to do.”

“I know but I hate that I can’t be with her. After all, I had an incredible time with her. Such a short time, I must say I like this girl.”

“So…” Louis smirks, “it somewhat helped you forget about Francis, eh?”

“Yeah sure,” I shrug, “I think I’ll just have to learn to live that my best friend married the love of my life.”

“He didn’t forget about her at all.” Harry whispers to Louis.

“I did, dumbass.” My phone starts ringing inside my pocket and I stand up to take the call, “While I take this call, Harry why won’t you tell Louis all the fake tattoos you made me get?”

I grab my phone and see Zayn’s name on the screen. I put the phone against my ear, walking out the room and through the hallway.

“Hey, mate.”

“Hey, just letting you know I’ve got a call from management.”

“Great. What now?”

“I didn’t have to be there to know all the things Harry and you’ve been through.”

I stand in the middle of the hallway, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You’re all over the news, apparently Harry beat up a guy, and you’re dating an American girl.” He chuckles. “Both are you are going to have a meeting with management.”

“Why didn’t they call me?”

“They probably thought you were drinking your ass off you wouldn’t take them seriously.”

“Well, thanks Zayn.”

“You’re welcome, buddy. We need to talk about some things, eh?”

“Yeah, sure.”


“Hey!” Eleanor and Savannah walk back to the hotel room with cheery smiles. I’m the balcony, but turned to look inside. Savannah walks to the balcony, finding me alone.

“How was your morning with Eleanor?”

“Good.” She nods, “I prefer my friends.”

“W-What happened?”

“Nothing I just want to hang out with regular people. Eleanor is a model and her life is so different from mine. I think I was boring her.”

“Haha…” I hold her hand and caress its top with my thumb. “Believe me, we sometimes get boring by listening her and her friend Francis talk about the Modeling Agency.”

“You all have fascinating lives, it’s an embarrassment you know me as a woman who got cheated by her gay husband.”

“Of course not, we’re not judgmental, Savannah.” I let go of her hand and cross my arms against my chest.

“But it’s true,”

“It’s not. If we were, we’d be taking Miami with the Kardashians right now.”

She starts laughing and takes my arms from my chest to stroke them and hold both of my hands.

“I’m going to miss you.”

“Me too,” I tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear. She looks up at me and gives me a small smile.

She sighs, “Thank you so much for caring about me. No one never cared for me so much…”

“I could say the same thing.” I lean to her face and rub my nose against hers. She giggles and pulls away a bit.

“Is it okay if we kiss? I’m not sure if you would more paparazzi taking pictures of this.”

“We shouldn’t because I don’t want to get your life ruined-”

She grabs my face and presses her lips against mine. She caress the back of my neck and I wrapped my arms around her waist, bringing her closer to me.

“Hey, Niall is a virgin.” Harry walks into the balcony.

“You’re such a cockblock.” Nick laughs.

“She knows and thank you for interrupting us.” I hold her hand and bring her into the room. “Do you want to go surfing?”

“I don’t have a swimsuit.”

“You can borrow mine.” Eleanor suggests and I look at Savannah, raising my eyebrow.

“Thank you.”

Savannah goes with her to the room. I go to the bathroom to change and I hear my phone ringing. I look down to see Francis’ name on the screen.

Should I even take it?

Had a bit of writer’s block! This was a short chapter, I know, it’s disappointing. Next one will be better ;) I think there’s four or less chapters left. Thank you whoever still has this on their library. 

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