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Shiro Emiya lay in his shed having exhausted himself after trying to use magecraft.

Saber sat inside his house drinking some tea until she felt something wrong. She rushed out and slammed the door of the shed open. But nobody was there.

Saber: "Damn!"

She then spotted what looked like threads leading to Ryuudou temple.

Saber: "Caster."

At the L/n residence, the same thing was happening. Casters threads slinked in through Y/n's bedroom window. Caster only wanted to grab Y/n, but Serenity was cuddling into her master as they slept.

As Y/n opened his eyes, he found himself at Ryuudou temple. He looked around calmly and saw that he was suspended in midair by some kind of threads. He spotted Serenity next to him and Emiya on the other side.

A sultry giggle then echoed through the temple. Y/n's eyes locked on to who it was.

She was a hooded woman.

Y/n: "You must be Caster then."

Caster: "You catch on quickly. Yes, I am the Caster class servant."

Y/n: "Yo, Assassin

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Y/n: "Yo, Assassin. Wake up."

Serenity's eyes darted open and she looked around.

Caster: "Ah, So she's your servant. But...that provides an issue. See, I am the master of the Assassin Class Servant."

Y/n: "Heh."

Caster: "What?"

Y/n: "I may have an Assassin with me...but I have an Archer class as well. ARCHER!!"

Out of nowhere, bolts of light started raining down on Caster's head. She tried her best to reflect the damage, but was ultimately unsuccessful in stopping the attack.

Ishtar touched down in front of her master with a smirk.

Ishtar: "Oh look at this. You're in trouble again."

Y/n: "You realise that I can call Your sister to help me rather than deal with you, right?"

Ishtar pouted before cutting Serenity down, who then cut Y/n and Emiya down.

Y/n: "Wakey Wakey, shitbird."

Y/n kicked Emiya in the stomach and woke him up.

Emiya: "huh? Where are we?"

Y/n: "Ryuudou temple. Get up."

Ishtar: "I'd recommend staying down, Caster."

Serenity: "Archer, go tend to master."

Ishtar: "I have a name you know."

Serenity: "I know. But it's better if other servants don't know who we are."

A Masters Word (Fate/Stay Night x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now