Rescue Op

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Y/n sat in front of Shirou and Rin as they explained the situation. They had found out that Kuzuki was Casters master. They also explained that Saber had been taken captive by Medea. Archer had also betrayed them.

Y/n: "I see...this situation's a tricky one."

He turned to Medusa since she was the only Rider on hand.

Artoria: "Medusa alone won't be enough to deal with Medea."

Y/n: "Serenity's class affinity means that Caster servants have an advantage over her."

Artoria: "Leonidas, Alter and I can take care of Archer."

Y/n: "Good shout. Still. I don't want Medusa to leave Sakura since she's still recovering."

Jeanne: "I-I think I might know someone that can help."

Y/n: "Oh?"

Jeanne: "The Rider of Black."

Mordred: "We are NOT bringing him into this! Besides, aren't you forgetting someone?"

Mordred nodded her head to Frankenstein who was still under the Kotatsu.

Y/n: "Yeah. Good thinking, Mordred. Fran. Mind helpin' us out?"

Fran: "Uh?"

Y/n: "Yeah. I need you to help us kick some ass."

Fran nodded before getting out from under the Kotatsu.

Edmond then came in.

Edmond: "We're gonna go save saber?"

Y/n: "Yeah. Mind lendin' a hand?"

Edmond: "I don't see why not."

Y/n nodded to his servants and everyone rushed to get into position.

Rin, Shirou and Y/n stood outside the church. Facing them was Archer, he glared directly at Shirou before his attention was taken by something else.

Leonidas, Artoria and Alter Artoria walked towards him, weapons in hand.

Leonidas: "Archer. This foolishness ends now."

Archer: "Tch. Step aside, Spearman."

Jeanne then walked forward.

Jeanne: "Archer class servant. Real name...Emiya."

Both Shirou's and Archer's eyes widened.

Jeanne: "You forget, as a ruler class servant, I have access to the names and classes of the other servants in the Holy Grail war."

Emiya: "Tch. Clever. Either way, you're not getting past me."

Leonidas: "We don't need to. Some of our number have already infiltrated the church."

Emiya: "tch! Caster won't let you win."

Y/n: "She doesn't need to let us win. We've already won. Lancers. Deal with him. I'm gonna go back up Assassin and The Avengers."

Emiya: "Right!"

Archer: "damn. He knows about class affinity and sent the one class that has a major advantage over me to deal with me. Not only that, but there's three of them."

Leonidas: "There is a way to resolve this peacefully, Emiya...but that's no fun. Come! fight us, skinny person!"

A.Artoria: "Says the one guy in the house that has bigger tits than Saber."

Leonidas: "Not a difficult feat to achieve."

A.Artoria: "Ha!"

Emiya: "Tch. Take this seriously!"

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