"I hate lying,"

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This is a fairly short chapter because I want to keep you guys engaged, there's a lot more drama to come, especially in the final chapter. I'm working on the updates right now, hopefully this book will be clocked by the end of next week.

Bug Out!


I slam onto the ground with so much force after being thrown from so high, and I can feel my future arthritis move earlier by a good decade. Thank goodness Master Fu gave us those vials, because my poor body is going to be bruised black and blue, I can practically already see them.

I prop myself up using my elbows and hear a groan from next to me. Ladybug's hair is a mess and she's clearly so exhausted. She looks at me through her hair, and shakes her head as we catch our breaths.

"I'm going to have so many ugly bruises everywhere," She grumbles, "Did you see how many times she spun me around? I don't think I can see straight,"

"I felt that, considering you landed right on top of me, milady," I brush myself off and sit up, "We need to somehow stop this,"

"The things we do as superheroes, eh?" Ladybug wears a weakish smile, "I still love it though. I don't know how, but I do,"

I nod in agreement, "Our poor qwamis. I'm going to treat Plagg to a cheese day after all this finishes,"

"Cookies for my qwami," The heroine finally sits up properly, and we sit in awkward silence.

"Do you ever think, well, how different would our lives be if we weren't heroes?"

"Honestly, yes, sometimes," She looks straight ahead thoughtfully, "Like we'd be able to do normal teenager stuff, and not have so much pressure on us,"

"I get ya, bugaboo. It's so hard to balance things anyway, let alone being superheroes,"

She looks at me, opening her mouth as if she is going to say something, then shutting it hesitantly.

"I hate lying," I continue, filling the silence, and she looks at me eye-to-eye, "Lying and making excuses and creeping around to try and get away with it,"

"I was just gonna say that," Her face is etched with a sad smile, "I'm scared I'm going to be pushing people away. And it makes me feel so bad because we have to lie to the people we love the most, as a sacrifice to save the day,"

I nod, "It's like, you finally get a moment to spend with your friends, and then boom! Akuma attack! Lie to them, make an excuse, and run,"

"Sometimes I wish I had a sibling or something, someone i could trust, to cover for me,"

"I'd cover for you, milady, If we knew each other's secret identities,"

She rolls her eyes, but still smiles, "Nice try, chaton, but it's not happening,"

"Yet," I add, and she smiles a bit more.

"Yet," she nods, and stands up, brushing herself off, "So, what are we gonna do about her?"

"Well, we're both battered. I know there are people at risk, bugaboo, but we're not going to give our maximum, best performance if we go back now, exhausted,"

"You're right, " She touches her chin pensively, "I think we should take another break, but stay online on snapchat and keep tabs on the news and stuff,"

"I've made a group-chat," A broad british accent interrupts us, and we see Jones stoll up to us, "And I'll keep you young uns posted. Just make sure you stay online,"

"That's a good idea, thanks," Ladybug beams, and I can't help but feel a pang of guilt.

She seemed so fed up, so frustrated, yet she still manages to maintain the facade of happiness and she's so genuine and pure and well-intending-

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