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•The harem is too strong for me to handle, These men are dangerous killer! Demons! Incubus! Magician! Oh Ryden, Prepare your ass!


It's 8:00 a.m in the morning—Johann finally left so I was here all alone in the garden—I was watering them and trimming their extra grass or rotten stem.

The garden was much cleaner than before—The whole garden is almost covered with pink stain back then—It was blood, Johann said.

I shuddered when I remember the first time that I fall from the sky. I wanted to let myself know that Johann is still a killer and he can kill me anytime.

I decided to water the daisies after I'm done with these pink roses. This garden is really beautiful.

Carnation Garden. What a lovely name, This garden makes me feel at home. I used to remember Johann have this pink strawberry ribbon on his head and now, He doesn't wear it anymore; He said that he put it on Nene so that's why Nene has this cute ribbon on its head.


I immediately turn around to see—that man! The man who assaulted me in the forest!


I stutter as I pointed the hose in front of him—One more move and he will be wet for sure and I make sure that he will walk out of here.

"Chill, I'm not here to hurt you, Little boy."

He raised his hand—indicating that he didn't mean no harm but I'm not stupid as he thinks I am.

"What are you doing here?"

I ask Nene fly toward our way as it spins around my head. It was cautious as it stares at the man.

"I just want to talk to you, Nothing more, Nothing else."

He said with a smile. Hmp, As If I wouldn't forget about the day that he humps my hand, It was disgusting shet.

"What—What do we need to talk about?"

I raised my brow as I stare at him in curiosity, I can't trust anyone around here except for Johann. Everyone can hurt me anytime.

"First, My name is Night, Night Laurence Atris, But you can call me Babe~"

He smirk seductively which makes me cringe, Night, His name is Night Atris. He has the same surname and name in the city of Atris.

He reaches out his hand—waiting for a handshake, I slowly reach out my hand and hold his.

"Ni—Nice to meet you Night, I'm Ryden Miller.."

I introduced, He nodded his head as I feel that kind of friction that I felt with Johann and Ezekiel.

It's like an electrifying feeling that instead of feeling the shock—I feel some sort of pleasure when I touch their hands for the first time.

Like back then with Johann—I didn't tell him about that electrifying friction. But, I know that it was there.

He instantly pull away from me as he seem surprised by our handshake. Did he feel that too?


He trails off as he was suddenly pushed to the bed of black roses when Nene transforms into a horrifying creature.

I was used to see Nene as a cute doll with blonde hair and pink outfit but this Nene—It was like a nightmare creature that I once dream when I was a kid.

A tall—Taller than Night, It was like the monster; Siren-Head but coloured black with a pink ribbon tied around it. It was holding a scythe that was so long with eyes around it, wide eyes that were looking around furiously.

I sat on the ground as I stare at the wide tall formidable ferocious creature. Nene look at Night with terrifying eyes.


Night cursed and he pulled out a gun—I ran toward Nene and hug its skinny tall thigh—I cried out;

"Nene! Please! Don't hurt him!'

I cried and I noticed that every flower around started to rot—It was like I was in a nightmare, Then—It part ways and I can see thousand of teeth on those flowers.


I cried at my doll who suddenly turns into a monster—a vile creature which Nene isn't.

Nene looks down at me and I can see those haunting eyes—Then a minute later Nene started to shrink back like a doll as it falls down on the floor which I immediately scoop it with my hands.

Everything went calm and the flowers suddenly closed.

I look at Night as he doesn't look surprised to see Nene like that, He looks at me and whispered.

"You're mine."

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