The truce *part 3* (Tom Holland)

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"No, no, no!" Harry groaned loudly as I pinned his arm to the table, making Harrison, Sam and Tuwaine all cheer loudly. 

"You got beaten at arm-wrestling by a girl, Harry, you're never living that down!" Sam laughed. 

"Oy, we'll have no sexism from a Holland boy, thank you." I teased, making him roll his eyes playfully as Harrison took Harry's seat and Tom walked in. 

"What's going on?" Tom asked. 

"Arm-wresting competition. Whoever loses has to buy the first round at the pub when we can finally go out, and whoever wins gets to buy whatever drink they want in said round." Tuwaine explained. 

"And what's wrong with the three perfectly good games consoles that are sitting mere feet away from all of us?" Tom chuckled. 

"We got bored." Harrison shrugged, making Tom nod. 

"Who's winning?" he asked. 

"Surprisingly enough, Y/N." Harry chuckled, making Tom's eyebrows raise as his lips curled into a smile. 

"Why is that surprising? I always lift weights when I go to the gym." I huffed. 

"I want to try." Tom nodded as he looked me straight in the eyes. I raised an eyebrow at him, and my lips curled into a smirk, him returning the facial expression as Harrison stood up from the barstool. 

"Go for it, mate." Harrison chuckled, Tom keeping my stare as he sat down opposite me and held up his hand with his elbow rested against the marble surface. 

"Show me what you got, Spider-boy." I teased, making Tom smirk and shake his head. 

"If I win this, I don't want to drink whatever I want in the first round. I want something else." He nodded. My eyebrows furrowed. 

"Let me guess, you want Y/N in your bed-what?" Harrison mumbled, making the boys smirk as he pretended that he hadn't said anything. I rolled my eyes and looked at Tom. 

"Name your price." I nodded. He returned it, his eyes glued to mine as he studied me. 

"I want a dance." He admitted. My eyes widened slightly. 

"What?" I scoffed. 

"I doubt that we'll make it a month without drinking, so the first night that we all drink and get drunk, I want a dance with you." He nodded. I stared at him with wide eyes, my mouth gaping slightly open as I was completely unsure of what to say. I now had a good reason to lose this match. 

"U-um...if that's what you want, then sure. If I lose, I'll dance with you." I nodded. 

"That's what I want." Tom smiled before raising his hand again. I gulped, trying to regain my posture as I placed my hand into Tom's, making his fingers close around my significantly smaller hand. It was a feeling of utter bliss. We stared into each other's eyes, both of us fully aware that there was no way that I could possibly win this, not in the shape that Tom was in. But I didn't have a problem with the price that I'd pay for losing. 

"!" Harrison exclaimed. Immediately we both started pushing into each other's hands, both of us gritting our teeth as we put all of our strength into the wrestle. 

"Fuck, darling, I thought that this would be an easy takedown." Tom chuckled through slightly staggered breath, making my eyes widen as he seemed to be genuinely struggling to pin my hand down. I was so engrossed in the fact that I might win that I didn't notice Harrison slowly start to move so that he was behind me. Suddenly, he ran his fingers up and down my sides, making me scream in laughter as the boy tickled me. 

"Haz! Stop!" I squealed, making everyone cheer as Tom pinned my hand down and the boy stood up, holding his arms up victoriously. 

"That's not fair! Harrison helped you win!" I exclaimed, but I couldn't help but laugh as Tom and Harrison chest-bumped. 

"There's nothing in the rules against tickling, I won fair and square, love. I'll take that dance whenever you're willing." Tom smiled, making me blush and return the smile as he winked and walked into the living room part of the kitchen. I looked at Harrison, who stood next to my barstool as he leant against the marble counter, the others following Tom into the living room. 

"You saw that I might win, didn't you? You thought that I could win and so you made sure that I didn't." I stated. 

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. All I know is that you now owe Tommy-boy a dance." He nodded. I bit my lip and smiled. 

"Thank you." I whispered. Harrison smiled and stood up straight, kissing my head as he passed me and headed into the living room. I hopped down from the barstool and followed behind him, now impatiently waiting for the first night that we'd all get drunk and that Tom and I would get to dance.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now