Chapter 50 - Welcome to Ericson's

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You, Clem, and Marlon walked out of the building and into a... courtyard? The place was severally overrun with vines and plants and all that. There were people walking about, doing their daily activities.

Marlon: So, you two have been out there a while, huh?

Clementine: Yeah, we've been on the road for a long time.

Marlon: Take it you know how to handle yourself?

Y/N: Yeah, me and her have been through a lot.

Clementine: We do what we can to get by.

Marlon: No matter what?

Clementine looks down with a frown on her face. You wrap an arm around her shoulders to comfort her.

Y/N: Yeah... you could say that.

Marlon: Sorry, didn't mean to bring up bad memories. I understand, you do what you have to do.

Marlon walk off and you and Clem followed him.

Marlon: It wasn't easy getting you three out of that wreck, and walkers were on the way.

Clementine: The car... was it totaled?

Marlon: Uh... yeah. It was completely flipped over.

Y/N: Fuck. It was a badass car, too.

Marlon: Yeah, it doesn't look badass anymore, I'll tell you that. We had to work fast to get you three out.

A kid with weird looking teeth stares at you and Clem. Marlon kept walking and talking while the kid kept staring at you two.

Clementine: Uh... hi?

Y/N: Oh, god! Is there something on my face?!

Marlon looks back at us as the kid runs away.

Marlon: Oh! Uh... yeah. Don't mind him. You're new! We haven't seen anything like you two in well, ever.

Clementine: What is this place?

Marlon: Well, you could probably tell that it used to be a school. But now? It's whatever we want to be, I guess.

Y/N: And who's the leader?

Marlon: Well... that's be me. I know "kids run by a kid? That seems like a bad idea!" But we make it work. We do alright for ourselves.

Clementine: No adults...? At all?

Marlon: Well, yeah. Although, it wasn't always like this. You know the deal, people die, people leave. There were more of us around.

Y/N: Yep. I really wish that wasn't the deal nowadays.

Marlon: Well, allow me to make it formal: welcome to Ericson's Boarding School for Troubled Youth! You two and your boy seem to fit that description pretty well.

Clementine: You got me and AJ all wrong, Marlon. We are pure angels.

Y/N: You forgot me!

She smirks at you.

Clementine: I sure didn't.

Y/N: Ouch. That really wounds the heart, Clementine.

Marlon chuckles.

Marlon: Well, I can't speak for you two, but your boy is decidedly not.

Y/N: What's that supposed to mean?

Marlon: Let's just say he isn't happy without either of you around, he's been a little terror ever since we got here.

???: Yo! Marlon! We've got walkers on the fence!

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