[7] Selflessness

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As soon as Killua said that, you felt a powerful, yet otherworldly presence emanating from Alluka. The force of it blew yours and Illumi's hair back.

'What....what's this?! It's unlike anything I've ever felt before...'

With Illumi's guard down and his grip loosened on you, you pry yourself away from his grip. Falling to the ground, you clutch the side of your neck that was pricked by the needle, before running as fast as you can to Killua's side before Illumi can react.

Even though you see Killua glaring daggers at Illumi, bloodlust dripping from him as he did so, he pulled you close to him, gripping your shoulder protectively.

You look at Alluka. To your surprise, you see her face turn white. Her eyes and mouth were pitch black, like a mask. 

"Ai," she said.

Killua seems unfazed by this sudden change in appearance and presence. Instead, he turned to face her. Meanwhile, you stared in shock at the sudden change in Alluka, yet you made no move to step away from Killua. You remained silent, pushing your numerous questions to the back of your mind.

Illumi seemed to regain his composure, as he frowned slightly at Killua. "Kil--"

"Nanika!" Killua commanded, cutting him off. "Send the three of us far away from Illumi," he says, looking down, letting the shadow of his hair cover his murderous glare.

"Ai," Alluka said simply. You look at both of them in confusion. 'Did Killua just call Alluka Nanika?' 

Suddenly, you feel your feet leave the ground. Your vision turns into a flash of white, as Killua's grip tightens on you. A split-second later, you find yourself in another forest, yet you can tell it's a completely different one, as the trees looked much greener and more flowers were present, compared to the much denser, darker green forest you camped in.

Meanwhile, Illumi simply watches as the three of you disappeared from his sight. He sighs in frustration, yet his expression remained monotonous. "Just when I found them...." he mumbles, walking away from the scene, deactivating his control on the Needlemen and leaving them to die from exhaustion.

_ _ _

"What... what happened just now?" You ask quietly and hesitantly, wide-eyed as you tried to process everything that just transpired in front of you. Suddenly, you drop to your knees, clutching the injury in your shoulder, as the pain starts to seep in after your adrenaline rush from earlier.

"(Y/N)!" Killua exclaims, about to rush over to you.

"Don't! Take care of Alluka first, she's the most injured," you say, wincing in pain. You remove your hand from your injury, feeling your slick blood in between your fingers. You stare at it for a second, before shaking your head profusely. 'No, no, not now. I have to find a way to help Alluka.' 

"Alluka, Nanika, are you okay?!" You hear Killua yell in worry and panic. He examines Alluka's wound in her stomach. 'Crap, it's deep. She's losing blood too quickly. I'm gonna have to issue a command to Nanika again.'

You struggle to get up and limped over to where Alluka is. Killua stopped you from going any further. "You idiot, stop being so reckless, you're just gonna worsen your injuries if you keep moving like that," he grabs both your arms to stable you, while carefully making sure to not touch your injury. You look at him. He was in a nervous sweat, while his eyes held the most fear and worry you've ever seen as he scanned your body for injuries.

"Nanika," he calls to Alluka, who still had the same white face and pitch-black features. "Heal (Y/N) and Alluka's injuries."


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