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Chapter Twelve

"I'll put your shattered heart back together...piece by piece.."

~Reid's POV~


Is all my mind could conjure up. I stood in my room all night, just letting my mind replay over and over what had happened. I could still feel Rachel's hands in my hair, her lips on mine, the way she was looking at me. I began to feel light-headed and sat down on my bed. I felt the heat rise in my cheeks as I stared at the ground.
My hands nervously tucked in a new button up shirt and I fixed my hair as best as I could. I had left Rachel as quickly as possible after Charlotte had come to look for us. I felt terribly guilty just running away like that, but I couldn't think staight.
I rubbed my eyes fretfully and slowly made my way to the door. I knew I had to face Rachel sooner or later but my stomach churned nervously and sweat beaded out on my forehead. I sighed as I heard Charlotte's giggling downstairs.
A small smile touched my lips as I opened the door and headed downstairs. I felt my phone vibrate and once I flipped it out, I realized it was Hotch. He started talking even before the phone had touched my ear. His voice was professional as always, but this time it had an edge to it.

"Reid? Im glad your awake, we need you to take the girls back here. We have a little problem here."

My heartbeat sped up and as I waited for him to answer. I peeked downstairs to see Rachel and Charlotte. I watched Rachel's careful hands pick Charlotte up and spin her around. Both of their giggles filled the room and I started thinking about how life would be with them with me. As I watched their lit up faces and laughs, I knew I wouldn't mind hearing this everyday.

"Rachel's father had friends you said, that took Rachel. Rachel said one of them helped her escape and the guy ended up getting shot and killed for it. The ones at the bar, how come no one noticed them before? They must've had photos and news reports once they had fled from the institution. We got an envelope here today, no stamp, no address, not even a single fingerprint. These guys are good.

An envelope? That's unusual, even for them. They already know were looking for them nd potentially where they are now that Rachel is freed. They are risking alot by sending this message, why?

Hotch finally answered again, telling me what was on the letter.

"We know you have her back in your clutches again, but this isn't the last time you'll hear from us. Thanks to that bitch, one of our members have been taken out of the equation. We do not like waiting and our patience has grown thin. We will finish the deed for our old friend, we will finish it here and now. You have one week to give sweet Rachel and her little sister, Charlotte, to us...or else. If you fail to bring us the girls, we will not hesitate to take by force. Do not dissapoint us Agents."

I froze in my spot and listened to Hotch's even breathing and the sounds of people in the background.

I just got Rachel back. We knew they would stop at nothing to finish the deal. My mind flashed to a picture of Rachel in my arms, her stomach stained with blood and the life draining from her eyes. I never, ever, wanted to see her like that ever again. A shiver crawled up my spine as I opened my mouth to speak.

"I'll bring them as soon as possible. We need to figure out where they are hiding out at first. Rachel said in the woods...east of town, she had walked merely 10 miles if she came from that direction. We can send a search team out there and see if they find anyone or anything."

"Be quick Reid, we need them here so we can keep them safe."

He didn't wait for me to answer back as he hung up. I stood there, holding the phone in my hand. Charlotte's giggles floated through the room. I watched the back of Rachel's head as she stared out of the kitchen window.
A flash of last night replayed in my head. I felt the blush rush to my cheeks as I could almost feel Rachel's soft lips lingering on mine. Her hands, being so gentle as they ran through my hair and pulled me closer. We both wanted more, but at the same time we knew we needed to stop.
I took a deep breath and reached the bottom of the stairs before walking into the kitchen. Charlotte squealed with happiness as she stood on her tiptoes to hug me. I shyly smiled at her and hugged her back.
I looked up, but Rachel still hadn't turned around to face me. My heart squeezed nervously, my stomach churning. She took a deep breath and slowly turned around.
Her eyes stared straight at the ground and her face was beat red. My eyes zeroed in on her hands tightly clasped in front of her, the way her neck was tight and her lips set in a firm line. She was anxious, nervous...embarrassed. I was the reason she was feeling this way.

"Charlotte, sweetie? Will you go get dressed, please? Reid and I have to talk about adult stuff." She asked sweetly, her voice shaking just a bit.

Charlotte nodded and skipped upstairs to get dressed. It was silent for a few minutes until she finally looked up at me. Her hands were visibly shaking and I could imagine she was thinking the same thing I was.

"I am so sorry Reid, I can't say how ashamed I am of last night! It just happened and....I'm s-so sorry!" She pleaded.

Her eyes wide and pleading. I shook my head and stepped closer to her, watching her facial expression turn cautious. I held out my own shaking hand and waited until she took it to speak.

"Don't be sorry, please. Would you believe me if I said...I wanted it too?"

I watched her tensed face relax just a fraction and a smile tug at the corners of her mouth. She hid it behind a tough mask and shook her head slowly. I chuckled nervously and scratched the back of my head with my free hand. My heart thumped loudly inside my chest, I was surprised she couldn't hear it.

"Well I did. I didn't want last night to end."

I heard Charlotte giggling and we let our hands fall as soon as she stepped downstairs. Rachel cleared her throat and moved towards her.

"We need to I will tell you when we get back to the headquarters, but Hotch wants you two to stay close to him until this blows over. There are a few complications, but we will take care of it. Morgan and Penelope are waiting for you, they need to ask a few more questions. Are you two ready to go?"

Rachel smiled down at Charlotte and nodded at me. Charlotte ran in front of us and out to my car. Rachel watched her carefully, her eyes scanning around the front lawn, being cautious. I swallowed my awkwardness and reached over and let my lips press against her cheek. She gasped and I saw blush spread across her cheeks.

She smiled a little and nodded to me before brushing her fingertips on the back of my hand as she walked on. I smiled at her while I followed.

This girl was the one...she had to be...

Finishing The Deed (Book #2 of Trails of a Psychopath)Where stories live. Discover now