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•I will making point of view for Ryden's men.


I glare at the PowerPoint shown on the screen—These people—not literally because I have a centaur working for me or an imp, not everyone here is a human—wait, does even pure human exist in this world?

"Si—Sir, The champagne is really on the highest quality for today"

Feruso—A Half-human, Half-Duck, Stutter as he pointed on the screen on how our champagne hit the highest point of selling in the market. That's cool—It's almost a weeks since I manipulate everyone that I'm a billionaire with a champagne company, everything is going smooth so I don't have much to problem.

"Very good, This shall remains top quality if you don't want our business to flop."

My secretary—Chunta—nodded her head as she clap at the half-duck representation. She was a smart fairy and easily to trust with all my business everytime that I'm away or slacking off.

I wonder how's Ryden doing? I miss him. I wanted to ditch this meeting but Chunta will snitch my ass for not being to attend all of those meetings—Fuck her, I will break her wings if she insist once again to keep me late at night on a sleepy meeting.

My employee who was human in top and pure duck in the bottom walk away holding his computer and for a minute, my board-member started to chatter about the next topic.

Ahh—Ryden—my sweet sweet Ryden, I wanted to keep him for myself, I want to murder Johann the fucking incubus, but I don't want Ryden to hate me more than before.

I miss those soft small hand of his—I was addicted to the certain kind of affection with him. I only wanted to own him and hide him away from this world.

I forgot to call him but I will bring him a bunch of gifts once I visit that incubus house—where my little Ryden stays—One day, I will able to pursue Ryden to live with me in my house and no one is coming our way.

I don't intend to assault him back then—But those hands—fuck, They are so soft that I can't help but be aroused by those hands, It was certainly addicting to touch those hands of his.

I will court him and I will marry him one day. I don't give a fuck if he was intended to be mark by five men. He was mine even though I'm not the one he meet first.

I'm going to make sure that I'm the last for him. I'm greedy. I wanted nothing but him in my arms, I'll make sure of that.

He release me from the curse which intend to last till the world ends. But now—I can pretend and manipulate the world thinking that I'm a billionaire who own a company of champagne.

For Ryden—I will manipulate the world just for him. But I will try my best not to manipulate him. I wanted him to crave me on his own will. I don't want to force anything after all.

Ryden—My love, I was curse to be with you forever, I'm willing to do anything for you for a hundred years, that's for sure.

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