Part 28: Departure

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Techno POV

"Will you join?", I asked Type when the exam for that day.

I was happy as the exam has just finished.


"It is lunch time, Type", I replied him curtly. "Are you okay?"

"I am", he replied me

But, I felt that he became so strange lately. But, I believed in him. He was still okay.

"I will wait for you in canteen", I told him

"Okay.... Possibly I need a couple of minutes"

I nodded.

He needed to go to Professor's room at that time.

So, he leaved me first.

I packed my things, then walked to the canteen.

Suddenly, I got message from Type.

"P'Tharn has been in the canteen, told him to wait for me"

"Girls will be busy to flirt on him", I joked.

"Save him for me"

I smiled.

He became so frontal lately. Seems he didn't want to hide that anymore.

When I entered the canteen, I saw that P'Tharn has been arrived. He waved his hand for me, asked me to join beside on him. He spared seats for me and Type.

"He will be coming in a couple of minutes", I told him when I took the seat.

"Hmmm....", he replied me.

"Is that for me?", I asked him while I saw a plate of food in front of me.

"I ordered for Type, actually", he replied me.

"Why should I asked that when I knew the answer?", I condemned myself for wasting the energy.

"But, you can take it. It should be okay"

"Type will kill me when he knows that I took his lunch which prepared by his boyfriend"

He just giggle.

"I am serious.... You can have it. I ordered as I thought he will come soon. But, if he came late, the taste will be changed"

He was right, I didn't think further.

"Okay.......", I replied P'Tharn then started to get my lunch. It was still delicious, but a bit spicy. We enjoyed our lunch.

Then, after several minutes. "P'Tharn", I called for me.


"May I ask you?"

"Yes sure... About what?"

"Do you think that Type is okay?"

He stoop his lunch, he put the fork and the spoon on the plate.

"What do you mean?", he took his drink.

"Ehm...... How should I talk to you?", I became so confusing. "I just noticed that he is not really good. Or I don't know, P......"

"Tell me slowly, what do you mean?"

"To be honest, do you have a problem?". P'Tharn didn't answer me, he just looked at me with his confusing gaze. "Just forget it", I told him. "Possibly that I just blabber mouthing"

"Do you think that Type is .... Ehmmm... Changed?", he asked me.

"I think so", I looked at him. "Since the party in your home"

TharnType The Series - My Flower BoyWhere stories live. Discover now