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Felix was sick. And by sick I mean very sick. It had been about 2 weeks and Felix was out of being grounded and doing fine until he got really bad flu.

"Felix get up- oh my gosh you look awful" Minho was worried his brother looked sicker than anything

"Can I just stay in bed" Felix's voice croaked

"No Felix you need to go in" he heard his mother shout

"You heard the lady" Minho half smiled before leaving to get to school early.

"For fucks sake" it was obvious Felix was ill, he wasn't even cursing like he normally would.


After not eating breakfast Felix finally got to school. It felt like forever because he couldn't walk properly.

"Time for a trip to my locker" Felix quietly said to himself although he was extremely dizzy and using everything in his power not to drop to the floor.

He made it to his locker but of course he couldn't go a day without a disturbance so once again he was violently slammed against the locker. I'm sure you can guess who. Correct


"We meet again lixie it's been quite some time"

Felix could barely hear him at this point he felt so ill. He wasn't in the right mind set to be able to correct the nickname as well.

"I don't... want to see you" Felix said weakly

He thought he saw a touch of sympathy in the others eyes but that was probably because he was sick. The quicker it came the quicker it was gone and replaced with a horrible smirk. Felix hated that smirk

"So you'll be more submissive like this I like it" he brought his hand to rub Felix's cheek. He couldn't resist because his whole body was numb with the fever

"Leave me alone" Felix whispered as he felt himself sinking down. Before everything was blank.


Over with bang chan*

Chan walked into school quite late he had hoped to catch Felix walking in but that obviously wasn't going to happen now was it.

He saw Jisung sprinting in and laughed. Does he not realise we still have five minutes... *ring* he heard the bell for first period


Chan sprinted to get to his lesson before he saw two people by the lockers. One crumpled on the floor.

He approached and felt his anger rising

"YOU FUCKING BITCH" he ran up and pulled a violent punch on Laurence
"How many times do I have to tell you he is mine" he spat

"I-im s-sorry c-chan I didn't d-do this "

"You better fucking not have" Chan gave him another violent kick before turning to felix and picking him up.


He quickly made it to the nurses office and they brought him to a bed.

The nurse confirmed it was just a really bad fever nothing serious.


After a few hours Felix woke up feeling better. He moved his hand and found a head of hair underneath it. He looked over to find Chan sleeping softly next to him.

"Channie" felix croaked out quietly running his fingers through the others hair

The older slowly lifted his head, leaning into the touch. Then he realised Felix was awake and snapped out of his daze.

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