Chapter 22: Decisions

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The things he's done. Now that Felix knew about it that wouldn't excuse the harm, he could do to him in the future.

The only supposed solution was his uncle all the way in Detroit.

Although it seemed as if that night ended peacefully and the boys happily slept in each other's arms. Jason's mind was in turmoil.

He knew what he wanted to do. He needed to leave. He told Felix everything he wanted to know except for one thing. Who he truly was? While talking to Jason he was so fixated on getting him to forgive him for all his sins. To accept him for who he was.

But only while his eyes were closed was it that Jason realised Felix didn't know everything about him. Felix had no idea who he was. Even Jason didn't know. It seemed the only solution was to live with his uncle.

He had to learn more about himself.

Without that, he couldn't tell when the next time he'd snap at Felix. His dad was right and although it pained Jason to admit it, he was. Jason already made up his mind. He was leaving to go live with uncle no matter what it took. He'd come back better and him and Felix could be happy.

Jason as softly as he could detached himself from sleeping Felix and slipped out of the room. He made his way once again to his fathers dreaded office.

Knowing he'd be there.

It was the wake of the day and Jason's dad spent every second of his life in that office. Pulling the reigns of the underground world back and forth from the comfort of his office chair.

Jason knocked on the door and a response resounded from the other side.

"Come in." Jason's dad knew it was his son.

He'd had a vague idea of want went down that night. But he didn't mind he knew that would be the moment that his son would come crawling back to him.

Jason silently entered the room. He stood at the door after closing it keeping his distance from his dad.

For no apparent reason. "Send me to uncle in Detroit." Jason said his expression straight as he looked straight into his father's eyes. No games were being played here. Saying the words lowkey crushed Jason's heart he knew what he was doing and what it could do to Felix. But this was all for him. He couldn't even think about how he'd tell him. If he even would.

"I'll get you on a plane there and let him know." Jason's dad said in reply. Jason was grateful he knew his dad and thought that he would create some condition to his own benefit. He turned around to exit the door.


Jason paused. His hopes didn't last long. He turned around to look at his father expecting an evil smirk on his face but was shocked to see one of sadness.

"Jason," he began, "If you think I'm harsh, you'll be in for a surprise once you meet your uncle. He isn't someone to play with and he's very sneaky. I could just send you there and watch you crumble under the weight he'll put you under. Or I could get you prepared."

Jason didn't want to believe what his dad just told him. Somebody harsher than him.

Who was this guy?

"What do you mean?" Jason's aid demanding an explanation

"Going to your uncle would help you control most of your emotions but in return your uncle mentioned using you for some of his dirty work."

Jason froze.

What a sick man.

His face scrunched up as he looked at his father. All he wanted to do was leave but his mind has already been made. As much as he didn't want to so what he knew what his father was suggesting.

He knew he had no choice in the matter. He needed this.

"I'll send you the details. You could leave with Thomas later today. The earliest flight would be tomorrow morning. Make sure to say your goodbyes."

Jason didn't stay in the room any longer and left. Upon leaving the room he saw Felix down the hallway.

He looked confused and lost as he helplessly searched the hallways for a missing Jason.

Jason smiled to himself. He needed to make sure to remember these small moments. He didn't know how long it was going to be until he saw Felix again, he hoped one year maximum.

That way when he came back, he'd be in a healthier state of mind. Or so he thought.

Felix noticed where Jason was while going towards him with a smile gracing his face. He felt lonely waking up without him so went to find him. After knowing the truth about everything he decided that he wouldn't leave Jason.

He saw the confusion in Jason's eyes, and he knew that as well as him Jason was also suffering. To leave him in such a moment would go against everything he stood for. It would go against his feelings and that would hurt him more. Too much.

Jason looked down at Felix who now stopped in front of him. The words at the tip of his mouth. He didn't know how he could possibly tell him that he was leaving or even worse what he had to do later today.

"Let me make you something to eat, I need to go somewhere in a few hours." He said instead.


Jason's phone made the dreaded sound indicating he received a message. He already knew what it was so he ignored it.

Felix looked at Jason then to his pocket where his phone lay then back to Jason.

Why was he ignoring it? Felix brushed it off and was whisked away with Jason int the kitchen.

When it came for the time for Jason to leave, Felix told him he was going to go visit Rebecca and also left the house.


THOMAS: Come out in 10 minutes.

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