Chapter 33: Kyle

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He's hiding something, I can feel it.

Max snuck Kyle a little smile when no one was looking.

It wasn't like DaKaries. Teasing, asking for trouble. Hounding for your attention. 

One look from Max and it was like coming home to a dog after a long day of work. That one look and you knew you were everything to him.

Or something like that anyway. It would almost be sweet if it didn't piss Kyle off so much. And he couldn't even explain why.

Max snapped out of his gaze as Emily grabbed his attention. His lovely girlfriend. Sweet and genuine, social butterfly just like him.

They were good together. Kyle probably shouldn't have as many reservations as he did but clearly he had reason to.

"Ma..hey. You alright?"

"Uh..nah, I'm fine. Em, stop, it's fine really."

"You two." The teacher called, looking over from the whiteboard in irritation. "How bout saving the affection for not in my class?"

Kyle watched quietly, eyes narrowed. Max looked to be having one of his spells again.

The teacher only had to glance his way, the big guy slumped over in his seat, pale and obviously struggling to focus on much.

"Can we-"

"Em, chill." Max grunted. The teacher nodded, gesturing them on. They stumbled out of the room shortly after, a few of his friends patting his back solicitously.

His hands itched at his sides, watching the man leave.

"Kyle? Kyle, you aren't excused-


"You leave this room, don't bother coming back."

Kyle sighed, grabbing his bag before jutting out the door.

"Max." He called, heading for the bathrooms. He only stopped when something hit him. He stepped back to take in the short girl.

"Oh. Kyle, sorry I-

"Had to use the restroom. Uh..sorry. You okay?"

"No, of course. Thanks."

"..and Max?"

Emily went quite at that, eyes glistening. Her smile was easy despite her obvious pain.

"Just..just one minute, alright? We won't be long."

She was off then, back into the restroom. Loud retching taking place, echoing throughout the art building.

Kyle stood there, staring at the door. Waiting for something, maybe..for Max to come out? See if he was okay, what he could do.

Something was wrong. It had to be.

Since the teacher kept his word; not allowing him back into class, he had no choice but to accept the ding to his record and find somewhere else to be.

He made his way quickly to the track, hiking up the bleachers. DaKarie's PE was playing tag football on the football field. It was a bit before the teacher noticed him, harping on him about soliciting.

"Got kicked from class." He muttered. The groups attention was on him. Karie was looking annoyed at some scrawny sophomore that was standing a little too close to him.

Granted, he did look a little..musty.

Yet Karie still acknowledged Kyle when their eyes met, his smirk subtle.

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