05: "My dad is gonna kill me."

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I end up going to bed later than I thought, having stayed up and chatted with my new roommates for hours. I already liked them better than my old ones, and although Dorcas seemed to not trust me, and Mary seemed a little scared, I new that Dumbledore was right. My real friends are here. I just wish I had found them sooner.

I've learned a lot about them, too. I know that Alice is crushing on Remus, and James has been chasing Lily for years. Lily is obviously crushing on Severus, but she won't admit it. Marlene and Sirius have been on and off for years, but she doesn't really care for him. She says he's not her boyfriend type, and he's just there for her to hookup with when she wants. Mary is just flirty with all boys, but more in the cute as a button way and not the sexy seductive way that Marlene is. Dorcas doesn't care for guys, but she does an awful lot of complaining about her family, claiming she wants nothing to do with them ever again.

I listened and shared stories all night before we all went to bed, all falling asleep right away after such an eventful day.

I wake up earlier than anyone. I've always been a morning person. As well as a night owl. I guess I just don't sleep a lot.

It gives me time to head to the shower before I have to be down in the Great Hall for breakfast.

I walk into the washrooms, peeling off my pyjamas and staring at the loose bandage on my arm. I take a deep breath before unravelling it, staring at the word that my dad carved into my skin in shock.


I guess it could be worse, but I still feel my heart sink in sadness before I get into the shower, deciding that I don't want to rewrap it afterwards because it'll heal fine without. It's messily stitched, the work of a trembling House Elf, and I smile slightly, missing Penny.

After the quick rinse, I get dressed into my new robes and stare at myself in the mirror. My blue eyes stare right back, and I touch my face lightly. There's no trace of any injury, and I smile remembering the Marauders' shock at my lack of reaction. My dark brown hair is long and looks black when it's not in the sun. I'm about five foot four, five five on a good day, and I wear my uniform messily, one side of my shirt untucked and my tie loose around my neck.

I towel dry my hair as best as I can before heading back to the dormitories as everyone else slowly gets up, groaning in annoyance at the early hour.

I chuckle at Marlene, who has stuffed her head under her pillow and fallen back asleep, drool covering the top of her cushion.

Lily is already up and making her bed, and Alice is yawning as she gets dressed. Mary is snuggling closer into her blankets and telling us she'll skip breakfast as Dorcas is still fast asleep, no one daring to wake her up.

I open my trunk and pull out my parchment, quills, ink, and necessary books for today, then glancing at my unmade bed before drawing closed the curtains and bidding everyone goodbye as I head down to breakfast. My hair is slightly damp as I enter the Common Room, where a few early birds lounge around before they're to head to breakfast. I catch a ball of paper that's thrown at me and ignore the person who jeers my way, just not in the mood for an argument and instead leaving the Common Room. I find my way down to the Great Hall to see it's only scattered with a few students and teachers I barely recognize.

"There she is!"

I turn my head, expecting to see another angry Gryffindor or Slytherin, but instead am faced with the flash of a camera, and a woman in green robes approaches me.

"Ms Milton!" She says, extending her hand, "I'm Rita Skeeter, new reporter for the Daily Prophet, and honey, you've just made the front page."

"I . . . Uh—"

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