Jealousy ~ RappaDeku

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Ship : RappaDeku

Scenario : Rappa and Izuku encountered Fat Gum, Tamaki and Kiri. Rappa got jealous and challenged Fat to fight after Izuku hugged the pro hero.


"Tell me what ya' want and I'll buy everything for you Young Lady!"

Kendou grinned ear-to-ear at Izuku, his hands carrying various colours of paper bags containing all items they bought together. The female greenette chuckled happily at his offer. She was also carrying many paper bags.
Izuku wasn't that selfish to buy clothes for herself only. She even bought new garments for all her bodyguards, Kai, Hari, Irinaka and Pops, to show her appreciation to them.

Besides, all of her clothes that she purchased wasn't paid by herself. Kendou was the one who paid for them. For unknown reason, he.... Used all of his money. Perhaps he was too happy since he was able to go out with Izuku today?

The ex-street fighter had never accompanied the Young Lady out of the base before. Because of a certain germaphobic bird forbidding him from stepping his foot out of the property. Considering his look that really resembled a villain, Kai was concerned it would attract the cops' or heroes' attention.

The leader just didn't want any unwanted trouble to befall the milady.

That was why, most of the time, Toya, Hojo, Tengai or Shin were the only ones who accompanied Izuku whenever she wanted to go somewhere. But today, was different.

Thanked to Izuku, who felt sympathy to Kendou, the battle obsessed-man was allowed to leave the base. Though, he didn't know how she got the permission for him.

"Thank you but all of these are already enough... You bought too many dresses for me already." Izuku was slightly sweating when she inspected the paper bags. She kind of felt bad when he spent most of his money on her. Where did Kendou even get all the money? His savings?

"I still have lots of money left." Kendou pulled out a golden card from his pocket. Izuku dropped all the paper bags and gasped in horror. She looked so horrified.

"Hey, where did you get that credit card—"

"I stole it from Overjerk's wallet. Smart move, right?"

Kendou laughed his heart out before shoving back the credit card into his pants pocket. Izuku face palmed in complete defeat. Well, there was nothing she could do now. She picked up all the bags back and continued to walk together with him.

.... Don't tell me Rappa-san did this so Kai would fight him once we get home? Wow, that is actually smart, I admit...

It was funny, but at the same time, the green-headed girl was worried of Kendou's safety. She could only hope Kai didn't go all out against the violent man with his deadly Quirk; Overhaul.

"Well... Yeah, kinda smart there. I can't believe you could come up with such a brilliant idea—"

Her sentence paused there all of a sudden. Kendou stared at her in full confusion. She was looking at somewhere else, her jade green eyes widening with awe. Excitement sparkled in her gaze.

"Young Lady?"

"That... Person is..."

Izuku suddenly mushed her cheeks in amazement. Her irises were fixed on something that seemed to impress her, to the point she ignored Kendou. He looked at the direction she was watching. In front of them stood three men wearing hero costumes.

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