9. Caught

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Chapter 9.

Soo-ho and Yeo-wool went to the Okta store.

Ban-ryu went to Park Young-shil's house. Seeing his father being mistreated by his stepfather made him clench his fists. Anger surged through him and he was annoyed at his own father for always sucking up to the other official instead of standing up to him. Why did he have to bow down to the other man? Ban-ryu's hatred for Gakan rose exponentially and before he did something he would later regret, he too headed for the Okta store.

But it was like fate was against him that night because some unforeseen events occurred with Soo-ho's sister, Soo-yeon. Obviously, this led to an enraged Soo-ho, whose temper Yeo-wool failed to tame, but Soo-yeon had quickly knocked her brother out before he could physically hurt Ban-ryu.


Sa-do had no idea what she wanted to do. It felt strange to be alone after being forced into the constant company of her Hwarang roommates. It felt bizarrely empty without them. Guided by her footsteps she soon found herself at the doors of a modest hut, far, far away from her own house. Nonetheless, Sa-do smiled. Entering through the open gateway, she stopped in front of the door and knocked.

After some shuffling, the door opened to reveal Jang-sik. "Sa-do?" the man questioned, wondering if he was dreaming.

Sa-do wasted no time in throwing her arms around the elder man who easily wrapped her up in his warm protective embrace. "How have you been Ahjussi?"

The servant chuckled. "I am alright. I did miss you terribly though. The Gakan's house is empty and boring without your mischief." Smiling widely, the Hwarang allowed him to pull her inside his house and close the door behind them. "You just knew, didn't you?" Jang-sik asked teasingly, "you just knew I prepared dried squid today."

Sa-do grinned as she rushed before him into the kitchen, already knowing her way around his home. It was funny how she was more familiar here than her own house, where she didn't know much beyond her room. The aroma of the seafood wafted through the small space. Jang-sik took out a bowl and served her some of the dried squid, which she happily accepted. Sa-do updated him on everything that had happened so far in Hwarang.


Sa-do bit her lip. She should not have said that. "Yes. But I am fine now so-"

But her weak argument was raptly cut off by a furious and panicking Jang-sik who didn't want to hear any of it. "You promised me you will look after yourself. I don't care how badly you needed to pass that exam. How could you be so careless?"

Sa-do held her head down in shame understanding his concern. After a while Sa-do finally asked what had been bugging her constantly for days now. "Did father ask about me?"

Jang-sik frowned, struggling to give her the simple one-word answer. "No," he finally choked out with some difficulty.

Sa-do nodded. It wasn't like her father visited her when she was at home anyway. She could count the number of times she had seen her father in her whole life with her two hands. She was not at all surprised therefore, to find that Park Young-shil had not even noticed that she was missing. But that didn't mean it didn't make her heart ache.

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