All Might

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Izuku smiled brightly at the sight of All Might, while Bakugou grumbled, "About time!"

Kamui Woods swopped in and swiftly captured all the villains with his Lacquered Chain Prison. Gran Torino flew in and knocked out Dabi, while Edgeshot took out Kurogiri in one move.

The Relief was visible in All Might's face as he saw all three missing students. He rushed over and destroyed all the restraints containing Bakugou and Tokoyami. He hesitated when he saw his successor and Izuku suddenly grew red in embarrassment.

I'm so heavily chained. And.... I'm wearing a dog muzzle!

He removed... the muzzle... then destroyed the rest of the restraints. "Are all of you okay?" he asked.

"I'm alright." Tokoyami brought out Dark Shadow, "Sorry I couldn't bring you out, buddy."

All Might turned to Bakugou and Izuku, "And you guys?"

"Fine." Bakugou grumbled, he turned to Izuku, curious about his response.

"I... I'm good." Izuku swallowed thickly. His head still hurt. And he felt uncomfortable in his own body.

"I'm glad you're all safe!" he boomed, "Now, to deal with these villains!"

"Are... you kidding me...?" Shigaraki was shaking in anger, "I HATE YOU!" he screamed, his eyes gleaming yellow as Nomu burst into the room through a black liquid substance.

"What's happening?!" Kamui asked in panic.

"I don't need the fucking mutt or the bird anymore. I just need him." Shigaraki said coldly as Bakugou started vomiting the same black liquid. He vanished in seconds.

"Kacchan!?" Izuku cried, "Bring him back!" he yelled at Shigaraki.

"Young Midoriya, let me handle it." Rage burned behind All Might's words.

Suddenly, all the villains spit out the same black liquid, and they vanished as more Nomu appeared.

"Dammit!" All Might growled as he disposed of a couple Nomu that tried to attack him.

"All Might, go!" Gran Tornio yelled.

"Will you all be okay?" he asked.

"Just go!" he ordered.

"Protect Young Midoriya and Tokoyami, take them to safety!" All Might zoomed off to find the missing student.

"I...I'm stuck watching from the sidelines." Izuku said in dismay, "I... I won't be able to help... at all."

Gran Torino took both Izuku and Tokoyami to the police station, then left immediately to go back and help.

They watched All Might's fight with All for One on a little tv. Is Kacchan okay? Where did he go? He couldn't see him anywhere on the scene.

He wanted to be there, he wanted to help. But he was stuck. If All Might died... Izuku wondered if he would just lose all consciousness, appear near All for One, and tear him to shreds. His heart raced with anxiety... All Might just had to win.


"Izuku Midoriya!" All for One sneered, "That's the child you passed your power too!"

All Might hardened his glare.

"I wonder if you know about that child's secret. Do you know about it, All Might?"

All Might visibly froze, "What... What the hell are you talking about? Don't lie to me!"

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