It'll Be Ok

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A/N: The next chapter is here!! I hope you like it! Thanks for 5k reads!

Thanks, @Secret_Account_174 for requesting.

Lexi's POV

I see a bunch of people rush into the bathroom. There they are, all Dawn's friends and his Dad. They take her and I am left alone in the bathroom. No one comes for me. I'm alone. I always wonder why I do this. Why I hurt others when I'm hurting. I'm just jealous of Dawn. She has a perfect family and amazing friends. So if I take some of those things away maybe she'll feel what it feels like to be me. My family is far from perfect. My parents got a divorce and well, my mum decided to come back here, without my dad. And when I heard all about the 'amazing  Dawn Holland'  I wanted what she had. So I decided to make her feel horrible and I could come out on top. Now, I'm on Tom Holland's bad side and no one likes me. I walk out of the bathroom and meet Alan. I'm still extremely angry at the whole world! 

"Hey baby!" I hug Alan. 

"Alexa Stanfield. Come with me." The principle says. I follow him with my mum. 

Tom's POV

I'm driving to the hospital for the 3rd time in 1 year, but this time I got some company. The girls are in the back of the car. Briana and Claire in the very back, Addison and Dallas in the second row, Dawn laying on their laps. We get to the hospital and shuffle out of the car. I grab Dawn and take her inside.

"I need to see Dr. Owen," I say to the staff at the front desk.

"Right this way." The lady says. 

"Girls stay there and wait for the boys to come. Sam's in charge." Isabel says getting up. We walk and find Dr. Owen. I put Dawn on the familiar hospital bed and the doctor checks her injuries. 

"Well, she doesn't look too bad. We need to clean up the cuts and blood before they get infected and her ankle looks like it's sprained badly."

"How long will it take to heal?" I ask.

"About 2-4 weeks." He answers. I nod. "For now let her rest."The doctor leaves and we stay sitting there. 

Tiem skip: 1 am.

"Dad? Mum? Where am I?" I hear. I turn around and see Dawn awake.

"Hey, darling. How are you feeling?"

"My ankle hurts," Dawn responds. Dr. Owen comes in and checks Dawn. "What happened to my ankle?" Dawn asks.

"Nothing too serious. You just sprained it. It should take 2-4 weeks to heal." Dr. Owen answers and leaves real quick. Isabel gets up and heads out the door.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"I'll be right back." She heads out the door.

Sam's POV

Well, I'm here at the hospital again, but this time I'm babysitting. (Why am I getting Steve Harrington vibes?)

Addison's POV

It's around 1 am and everyone's asleep, except Sam and I. Dallas is leaning on Paddy's shoulder, Briana is asleep next to Adam holding hands, Brad and Claire are together Claire cuddled up next to him, Josh and I are just holding hand, me refusing to fall asleep. Shawn went to go get a snack from the vending machine. He comes back and sits down next to me. I look over and see Isabel nod, meaning we can go see Dawn. I wake everyone up and we rush to where Dawn is. We all bust through the door.

"Easy guys, she's not going anywhere," Tom states we laugh. 

"Hey, how are you feeling," Josh asks.

"I feel ok. But what happened? All I remember is hitting my head against the sink counter."

"Well, You were with Lexi in the bathroom and your dad realized that you weren't with us, and then Briana said that Lexi was in the bathroom too, so we all rushed there and saved you." I summarize.

"But what happened to you?" Adam asks, pointing to all my injuries.

"Well, I was changing in the bathroom and Lexi came and beat me up basically," Dawn explains.

"Woah." Paddy states.

Paddy's POV

I need to go tell Tom about Lexi's death threat. I walk over to Tom, who is sitting down on a chair nearby.

"Hey Tom, can I talk to you?" I ask.

"Yeah, sure." Tom gets up and we go outside. 

I take a deep breath. "LexithreatendtokillDawn," I say quickly.

"What?! When?! Why!?" 

"Dawn didn't want me to tell you. It happened on Thursday."

"Who cares what Dawn wants. You should've told me before all this happened."

"I'm sorry. She just wouldn't budge. Whenever I wanted to tell you, she would just interrupt. You know how stubborn she is."

"Well, at least you told me now," Tom says. walking back to Dawn. "Guys, call your parents so they know you're with me."

We all called our parents and stayed talking to Dawn. 

Tom's POV

My phone buzzes, who could be calling me at 1 am? I answer it.


"Mr. Holland, this is Principal Wilson. I am informing you that Lexi has been expelled for abuse of another student."

"Really?! Thank you!" I say. "Have a great day." I hang up and walk back to see Dawn.

"Guess what?!" I exclaim.

"What?" They all ask.

"The school expelled Lexi." 

"That's great!" Dawn states. All of Dawn's friends head out and I talk to Dawn.

"No one's gonna hurt you on my watch," I state. Dawn smiles. "But I want to know one thing. Why didn't you tell me that Lexi said she was gonna kill you."

Dawn sighs. "I don't know. I was just stubborn and didn't want you to know."

"Remember, no more secrets, and please do me a favor and delete Lexi's contact on your phone." I plead.

"Ok I will." Dawn laughs. 

A/N: I hope you liked the chapter! Sorry for all the POV switches. Please comment some ideas for the next chapter!

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