Chapter Twelve: The schemer begins

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I kept on reliving the memories of four year ago. 

"Regard me as your master or else." 

"Ew, are you some sort of a lolicon?" I grunted my nose in disgust.


"Then what do you mean by becoming my master? That's sick!"

"Frankly, I did not expect you to be one with a perverted mind," He sighed dramatically and shook his head. "But, one cannot judge a book by its cover."

I could not believe how this guy was so eloquent. "You're the perverted one here! Bossing around a frail little girl like me to follow your twisted demands."

"If there's a word to describe you, it would never be frail," he mused. "And twisted? How could you say that? I have not even demanded anything yet."

I opened my mouth to say something but he wagged his index finger at me. "Now, it would be best for you to just comply, right? Above all, I granted you a chance at life, right? Or would you just rather have me cut off your head right now?" He placed his hand  on his sword and was prepared to retrieve it.

I cried in desperation. "NO!" 

He stopped. "No?"

"I mean, please don't kill me, oh wonderful and most amazing Prince Valentin! I will be willing to follow your words as long as they don't overstep my boundaries," I said in defeat.

"Not the answer that I was looking for but that's good enough for now," He beamed at me with his perfect set of  teeth and sat on one of the chairs. "Marcella, do fetch me a glass of water. I am terribly parched from this tedious conversation."

That day was a nightmare. I still cannot believe that I was not actually supposed to be reincarnated in this world. I was a glitch and I was supposed to be exterminated already. I thank the higher deities above for sparing me my life albeit temporarily. After all, I still have a mission to fulfill. 

But above all things, I still cannot believe that I have been tricked to obey that stupid person's commands. Ah~ How tragic is this life?

If it was not clearly established before, I was now twelve years old and apart from that encounter with the said stupid person, things were going smoothly. Jamie, Cedric, Viveca and Matthias constantly visited me until Cedric and Viveca had to start attending the capital's academy for nobility and royalty a year ago. They were a year older than the rest of us so it was a given already. When they stopped frequenting over to our estate, Jamie and Matthias also stopped. Maybe it was because the main reason that they kept coming here was for the prince and since he was already attending the academy, the purpose has already been defeated. Well, that's my theory, at least. Since then, I have not seen those guys for a year. I missed them but I cherished my peaceful lifestyle even more.

Anyway, since I have turned twelve, it was now my time to start attending the academy. I stared at myself in my bedroom mirror and tied my hair up in a ponytail with a red bow. This was my look before going to battle. On this day, the academy's entrance ceremony, will be the start of the actual plot of the game. 

I clenched my fist and determination was in my eyes. Yes, I shall make those capture targets fall in love with the protagonist!

A knock came from outside my bedroom door and I hurried to open it. A smile was formed on my face as I saw my eldest brother, Augustus. He was looking more and more like our father each day. His sandy blonde hair was swept upwards, revealing his neat and handsome face. Since he was the next heir of the von Altheione duchy, he had pinned on his navy blue coat a gold pin with the image of a sword crossed with a daffodil- the family crest. This pin was handed to him a year ago on his graduation from the academy. He is now doing his duties to assist father as that was his responsibility as the next heir. 

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