Chapter 29 - Revenge

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Who's ready for some revenge pranking? :)

 They'd received some odd looks when walking through Hogsmeade and even some laughs from various Gryffindors. A sharp breeze had picked up, and Al could feel her mud-coated teeth chattering from the cold. The sooner they got back to the castle, the better.

 "What happened-"

 "-to you lot?" The Weasley twins asked, hurrying over with big grins on their faces.

 "Leave us alone," Draco growled, picking dry mud from his hair. 

 "Your stupid little brother," Al said, shivering again.

 "Oh dear," Fred said.

 "We thought-"George said.

 "- you were making -"

 "- a fashion statement." Al chuckled in spite of herself. The mud on her trousers was beginning to dry, making it difficult to walk quickly. The twins soon left for Zonkos, giving Al and idea.

 "How are we going to get them back then?" she asked her friends.

 Daphne grinned in the cold air, "Like a prank war?" she asked hopefully.

 "We could just get Potter in trouble for being in Hogsmeade," Draco suggested as they headed up the lawn.

 "I thought we were going to do that anyway," Theo said.

 "Ooh, I've got an idea," Al suddenly said. They huddled together, listening to Al's whispers and pulled away grinning.

 "Sounds like a plan," Draco said.


 "You're not dripping mud all over my floors!" Filch exclaimed, glaring at the four of them. Al pushed her way up the stairs to the very front, where he was blocking the door.

 "Mr Filch," she said coldly, "I am freezing cold, I have mud in places that no one wants mud, and I smell like bad eggs. All I want, is a long hot shower. If you don't let me inside right now, I will hex you until you move out my way, and then I will let myself in. Are we clear?" she finished, drawing herself up to look more dangerous.

 "Are you threatening me?" Filch asked, an evil look in his eye.

 "Yes. Yes, I am," Al decided, drawing her wand.

 "Detention, Miss Dursley," Snape said, coming up behind Filch, "What is the meaning of this?"

 "He won't let us in!" Draco protested.

 "Not until they've had a shower," Filch explained.

 "How are we supposed to have a shower if you won't let us in?" Theo shouted angrily, one of the few times he let his temper get the better of him.

 "Ah, Miss Dursley, Mr Malfoy," McGonagall said coming up behind Snape, "I've just had Mr Weasley in my office saying-" she stopped short at the sight of them, particularly Al, who looked like she'd just climbed out a swamp. "What on earth happened to you?" she asked sternly.

 "Left that part out, did he?" Draco mumbled to Daphne.

 "I want a shower," Al said, "And I will take as many detentions and house points as it takes for you to let me in."

 "There's no need to be so impertinent," McGonagall scolded, "Mr Filch, let them in." He made to interrupt but McGonagall carried on, "Severus, will you escort Miss Dursley to her common room so she can tidy up. You three," she pointed to her friends, "will come to my office where we shall wait for them."

 They obliged and Al soon found herself in a big cosy jumper with clean hair in McGonagall's office. Ron and her three friends were also there, and Snape had come across Harry (looking very sweaty) on their way back to McGonagall's office.

 "Mr Weasley has informed me that you, Miss Dursley, attacked him today in Hogsmeade," McGonagall began, glancing at a sheet of Parchment in front of her, "You fired a string of offensive curses and jinxes at him-"

 "She was so fast!" Theo interrupted. Both Al and McGonagall shot him a glare, "Sorry," he said, "I just thought it was cool."

 "I do not think it is cool, to assault a classmate in such a manner," McGonagall continued, "What do you have to say for yourself, Miss Dursley?"

 "I'd like to say, that I did it upon retaliation of him physically pushing me - who hadn't done anything wrong up to that point - into a pile of mud," Al said, "You have all seen the extent of the damage he caused. Where is your evidence that Ron here isn't exaggerating?"

 "I'm not!" the Weasel exclaimed, "And you just stood by while Malfoy insulted my family! I'm not having it!"

 "I was merely looking at the historical plaque for the shrieking shack," she informed the room coldly, "Daphne and Theo will be able to verify. The feud between Draco and Ron is none of my business."

 "Thank you very much, Miss Dursley. You will serve a month of detention with me, excluding the one from Professor Snape. Fifty points will be taken from Gryffindor and Slytherin. Mr Weasley, you will serve a week of detention with Mr Filch to make up for the mess you made."

 Al nearly protested at the unfairness in detentions, but Snape spoke first, "Pardon me, Minerva, but we still haven't addressed Mr Malfoy's claim that Mr Potter was in Hogsmeade without permission."

 "Ah, yes," she said, filing away the previous pieces of parchment. "Did anyone else see this 'floating head'?"

 Ron shook his head and everyone turned their attention to Daphne and Theo, who both said yes, they did. It seemed a little obvious they were lying. "No, I was busy drowning in mud," Al said without a look at Ron.

 "Very well Miss Dursley, you may go. You will serve your detentions on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights up until OWLs begin," McGonagall said.

 "And you can serve mine after OWLs," Snape said, "So as not to clash with your own, Minerva," he explained.


 "I wish I could've been there!" Al complained at breakfast the next day, as her friends recounted the insulting parchment story again.

 "No you don't," Theo said warningly, "I thought he was going to blow us all up."

 "He did look very angry," Daphne agreed.

 They continued eating their breakfast in nervous excitement until Draco announced Harry and Ron had got up from the table. They peered over grinning. Al recounted their plan.

 Last night, she and Theo had snuck into Myrtle's bathroom to brew a very specific potion. Meanwhile, Draco and Daphne (who had a particular affinity with houselves) had ordered four barrels full of porridge. Then they'd met up and set up their prank. Daphne had enchanted the barrels only to move when Al said a code word while Theo had mixed the potion in and she and Draco kept watch.

 Al waited until Harry and the Weasel were directly at the spot, then, "Can someone pass the apples?" Four barrels of cold porridge tumbled down onto Harry and Ron. There was so much of it that it splattered some of the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students that were sat by the door, who squealed in surprise. There was silence in the hall as everyone looked around for the culprits. Al spied Dumbledore looking dangerously stern.

 Draco was snickering next to her, so she gave him a sharp elbow in the ribs, "You'll give us away!" Theo hissed across the table. Everyone was now looking back at Harry and Ron, who were stood in shock by the door. They were trying to wipe away the porridge and Al grinned to herself. Good - they were activating the potion perfectly.

 After a few moments of wiping, Ron froze, "Harry," everyone heard him croak. The Slytherin table burst into laughter, which was soon followed by the other three. The potion had dissolved all black material - including their robes. The two boys were left stood in only their boxers. They dashed from the hall but not before turning two perfect shades of crimson. Al swore she saw the flash of a camera. Her sides were aching now and Daphne was crying tears of laughter. The plan had worked perfectly.

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