Chapter 37

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"How did it go?" Sophie asked her parents who have reached their usual table by now.

They were both smiling, but only a blind person wouldn't be able to see the sadness their eyes hold.

"You passed." Edaline said, hugging Sophie.

"With flying colors." Grady said through gritted teeth, and hugged her as well.

"You're not pulling the April Fools on me?" Sophie looked up at them, raising an eyebrow.

They looked at each other and sighed. Edaline touched Sophie's cheek with her hand and said "I hope we're joking."

Sophie cannot contain it anymore and started crying.

Tears also streamed down Edaline's face, as Grady holds the both of them, trying to be strong as the head of the family.

"I'm sorry, but I think we want an explanation why they're acting like that." Biana whispered to Fitz, discreetly pointing a finger at the crying family.

"Yeah, we all know you know why." Dex said, also demanding for an explanation.

Fitz sighed and let out a sad smile. He shook his head and acted as if he just zipped his lips.

It was the last day of finals, as well as their much awaited April Fools Day.

But, for the rest of those who knew about it, it'll be the day Sophie Foster leaves the Lost Cities.

"Keefe, do you know?" Linh asked, but Keefe shook his head and muttered "Not at all."

"Fitz, you'll answer us if the answer is not counted as a breach of the agreement between cognates, right?" Tam asked, tapping the table softly.

After 9 taps, Fitz nodded and said "As long as it doesn't." Tam nodded back at him, before looking at the rest of them.

"That isn't her april fools, isn't it?" They all realized that he asked a safe question, where if Fitz doesn't answer, it means it's a yes, and if he answers, it's a no.

Keefe was sitting beside him, and he could easily detect if he's lying, so he has no way out of it.

"...No." Fitz said after a long pause. He took a glance at the family who has now stopped crying, before looking back at their friends.

"She's gonna tell you soon, though." He answered after a long sigh. Keefe touched his wrists that was resting on the table and nodded.

"Truth," he affirmed, making everyone nod and... wait.

If Fitz had a choice, he wouldn't tell them either.

Cognates or not, he'll respect her decision unless it was life threatening in any immediate way.

Edaline and Grady waved goodbye and Sophie sat to the open space next to Tam.

She looked at Fitz and gave an apologetic look before turning her head to the whole group.

Fitz has once told her that their friends are getting suspicious, therefore Sophie is thankful, and quite sorry as well for keeping Fitz in the middle.

"So, you up for the sleepover party tonight?" Biana said, looking at Sophie.

Sophie nodded and said "Yep, I'll just go home and pick up some of my stuff."

Happy April Fools? A KOTLC fanficWhere stories live. Discover now