Chapter 8 {...And The Fall}

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Note: Not sure if you guys like know but the pictures I am putting up is because that's how Bendy looks lol I am serious! xD Enjoy the chapter!

Amber's POV~

I came up on level P and well not gonna lie to you but this place looks really freaky. Like I can tell something is gonna come out from behind and just kill me like that. before I got out of the lift, I gave Boris the Gent Pipe and then walked out with the plunger.

I came from the corner to see a huge area with glass and doors. On the wall in front of me was written, "I Don't Want To Work Here Anymore". Now that was something I just stayed silent to. I looked around to find these valve panels.

The minute I started to walk again, the inky creatures started to come out from every direction. I didn't want to kill them and I didn't think the plunger would work anyways. I tried to move away but they started to attack and it hurt a lot. I was cornered by them and had nowhere to go.

I put up my arms in a defensive pose and before they could strike I started to hear a heartbeat. It was slow and slightly fast and then I saw the inky creatures gone but I noticed the walls and floors had these inky veins. What did this mean?

Before I could guess I felt a hand on my shoulder and someone saying, "Boo!" Which made me flinch so I hard I nearly attacked them with a plunger but missed because they moved to quick but I saw that it was Bendy and heaved out a sigh of relief and I got annoyed when he started to laugh.

"God! Don't scare me like that! Also this ain't funny!" I say puffing my cheeks in annoyance but he continued to laugh. God he should be glad that I am his friend or I would have kicked him in the crotch by now.

"Sorry sorry. This was too hard to pass up." He said between laughs and then he finally stopped. "It's a good thing I found you on time or those Searchers would have killed you." He said as he stopped laughing and was just smiling but not that toothy smile he had before.

"So that's what they are called." i said looking at the ink veins still surrounding the place. "What happened to them?" I asked him curiously.

"Well let's say two things could have happened: Either they died or they escaped by getting scared by my presence." Bendy said.

"Oh." i said. "Well thanks for helping I should get back to doing the Angel's chores right now." I said to him sighing in annoyance after remembering that drab angel.

"Yeah I know and that's why I came to help you." He told me and I looked at him with a smile.

"Thanks. Now let's get going." I said u before I did I noticed his bow tie was loose so I went towards him and tried to fix it while he looked a bit surprised.

"What are you doing?" he asked and I looked at him. "Your bow tie was loose so I am fixing it." I said and after that I finished.

"There. It looks great. But I have one more thing to fix." I said which made him look at me with a perplexed look and without him knowing i put my hand over his face which made him slightly back up in surprise and wiped the ink from where his eyes are.

Not gonna lie but his eyes were humanoid as well except instead of having human irises and pupils he had those pie cut eyes. Just the way I remembered. "You look nice his way. Without the ink all over your eyes." i said and when I looked at him he looked really shocked. I guess I could understand why though.

"... Thanks." He said with a smile. I liked that new smile he had on just now.

We found a valve panel in here which I turned the three wheels to make them reach the middle and grabbed on to the first power core. "That's one." I said. "I think there are no more here so I will go to Level K by lift. You coming?" i asked bendy and he shook his head.

Ink And Blood~A Bendy And The Ink Machines Fanfiction {Under-heavy editing}Where stories live. Discover now