Hey There, Delilah (1)

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"Hey there, Delilah, what's it like in New York City--"

"Don't sing that song," I warned Julie, cutting her off and scowling a little. That song annoyed me more than anything on the planet. Everyone thought I loved it, but I really didn't. Aren't you supposed to like a song that has your name in it? Apparently not.

She began to whistle it, and I glared at her even more. She shrugged simply, and we continued to walk to our homeroom. She knew I hated that song, I tried to get everyone to know that I hated the song, but it just had to be her favorite.

When we entered our homeroom, she finally stopped whistling it, to my relief. But I found myself frowning as our friend Arianna waved us over to her. She wasn't exactly the best friend someone could have, but it sure beat being alone. But she was always really mean and snobby to everyone, even us. Julie was the only real friend I seemed to have; our other friends that were twins, Violet and Ericka Chambers, seemed to be more like Arianna's puppets than friends.

"I got a fantastic pair of shoes at the mall yesterday," Arianna told us as we sat down in the desks beside her. She put her feet up on my desk, as if to prove it, and smiled. "Just look. They cost a lot, but it was totally worth it. And I saw a poster of Jay Harris there... He is so hot, I wish I could meet him..."

Ignoring her rambling about the latest hot star, all I wanted to do was tell her to move her feet, or push them off myself, but I really didn't want to be rude and get her angry. I kept my mouth shut as I waited for Mr. Higginson to start class, tapping my foot impatiently against the ground as Arianna's feet continued to stay on my desk. Mr. Higginson was not only my homeroom teacher, but my history teacher as well. He had been my homeroom teacher ever since my first day at high school. He was a good teacher, I guess. I didn't really talk to teachers very much unless I had to, though.

"Arianna, if you don't mind," Mr. Higginson said after the late bell rang. "Can you please remove your feet from Delilah's desk?"

Arianna rolled her eyes, removing her feet and sitting up normally in her desk. I thanked Mr. Higginson mentally as the class began. He usually let us do whatever we wanted during the twenty minutes of homeroom, but today he was telling us about some kind of field trip that didn't sound very interesting. I tapped my fingers against my desk impatiently. I just wanted to get this day over with. I didn't hate school; I just never liked leaving home. People thought I was weird because I liked staying home, but they just didn't know the reason why. No one but my friends knew the real reason why.

The bell rang, signaling that it was the end of homeroom. I slung my backpack over my shoulder lazily, making my way out of the room. Arianna and Julie next to me, we made our way to our lockers, which were right by each other's. That's how we met each other on the first day of school in freshman year. I wondered what my life would have been like if I didn't get a locker next to Arianna. Probably a lot easier, but I was glad that I had met Julie. We all still had the same lockers, so there was no way to get away from Arianna, unfortunately.

When we were twenty feet away from our lockers, I could see that there was a piece of paper taped to mine, and my stomach dropped. But I was used to that feeling. Too used to it.

I plucked it off the locker the second I got to it, barely giving it a glance. Arianna smirked slightly, saying, "From your secret admirer, Delilah?" She tried taking the note from me, but I stuffed it into my pocket before she could.

"No," I told her sharply, my eyes narrowing a little. I knew I had made a mistake telling her my secret. But since she had a locker next to mine, she had seen the first note, so there was no way I could have hid it from her. I was just glad she didn't spread it around school. That surprised me, because Arianna was the queen of gossip. You couldn't trust her with anything. I thought that she was going to tell the whole school, but I was happy when she didn't. She made fun of me for it every day, but at least no one else did.

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