18. Dan-se

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Chapter 18.

All the Hwarangs had gathered in the courtyard for an important announcement. "In the end, the music assignment was completed. Was it fun?"

Lord Wih-wa was met with a loud, "yes Poong Wol Joo."

He continued, "the people enjoyed it and you guys enjoyed it. So there is no reason to not give everyone a pass." There were boisterous and joyous cheers all around and Poong Wol Joo and Bu-jae smiled at their students with pride. "Are you curious about the next task?" the teacher asked, silencing the crowd. "Before the assignment, I intend to attach an appendage to each of you."

This elicited confused murmurs. Soon another set of students joined them in red and orange uniforms. There was one for each Hwarang. Poong Wol Joo explained, "the one in front of you is your Nangdoo. From now on, you will use them as your subordinates but also, you will have to receive their help."

Bu-jae stepped forward. "Stand!" he ordered the kneeling Nangdoos. "Nangdoo pay your respect."

Sa-do's eyes flitted worriedly to Ji-dwi to see who his Nangdoo was. On seeing the man who always followed him, she relaxed a little. She was pretty sure that person was the King's personal bodyguard. Her relief was however short lived because she noticed Dan-se was Seon-woo's Nangdoo. What was he doing here? In an attempt to hide her face she looked away, finally facing her own Nangdoo.

"Hello Jae-won Rang. I am Shin Su-jin," the boy introduced himself with a warm smile. His cheerfulness straight away reminded her of Han-seong. Su-jin leaned forward slightly and whispered, "I know who you really are, so you don't have to be awkward around me." Sa-do's eyes widened. What did he mean by that? Seeing her reaction the boy rushed to assure, "I am Jang-sik's nephew. He told me about the situation so please don't worry."

That eased her tension. "Ahjussi sent you here?" Sa-do asked, almost guiltily. Was this boy just condemned into this life for the sake of her safety?

"Calm down." She met Su-jin's eyes. "I wasn't forced to come here. I was going to join as a Nangdoo anyway. My uncle just told me to be your Nangdoo and keep an eye out for you. I already am used to looking after three sisters. One more should not be a problem."

Sa-do gave a little smile at that. Su-jin already felt like family for some reason. She wasn't sure if it was because of his relation to her Ahjussi or because he was so warm and comforting or maybe because he already claimed her as his sister. But regardless, she was grateful to have him as her Nangdoo.

Poong Wol Joo started to speak again. "You must become one with each other. Through your wisdom, instruct them and after they have received instruction, the Hwarang should compete with each other. Understand?"

"Yes, Poon Wol Joo."


They had all collected in the grassy field for Goongmal practice because in a war, both archery and horsemanship had to be performed simultaneously. Ji-dwi, Seon-woo, Sa-do, Soo-ho, Ban-ryu and Yeo-wool were waiting for their turns under the shade of a tree.

"What about your Nangdoo?" Soo-ho asked Sa-do.

"Oh, he knows. Don't worry, he is safe," she assured them about Su-jin.

Suddenly Dan-se joined them, marching up to the girl making her gulp and back away. She had been hoping to avoid this confrontation for a little while longer. The others were on their guard immediately. "Sa-do what on earth are you doing here?" the Nangdoo demanded harshly.

That stunned everyone. "Hiya! What are you talking about? That's Jae-won," Soo-ho tried to intervene as Dan-se was a close friend of his but the other was not in a mood to listen.

"I know exactly who she is," the Nangdoo replied before turning back to Sa-do. "Are you out of your mind? Your father will probably kill you for this," he hissed, shaking her shoulders roughly, as if to knock some sense into her.

Seon-woo pulled him off Sa-do quickly. "What do you think you are doing?" he asked him.

Dan-se scoffed before glaring at the silent girl. "How could you not even tell me?" Sa-do looked up at that. He sounded hurt and disappointed. "I hadn't seen you in a while. I was so worried. I almost visited your father! You could have told me Sa-do. I would have helped," he said much more quietly, his previous anger having dissipated. Of course, he would have helped. She had no doubt about that.

"Will either of you explain what is going on?" Ban-ryu finally broke the silence.

Dan-se opened his mouth but Sa-do beat him to it. These were her roommates. She should be the one to explain, not him. "Dan-se and I have been friends since childhood." Her admission surprised the others. Seeing the open question on their faces, she elucidated, "his grandfather had come to meet my father with him. I had gone to the kitchen to get some food and bumped into him. We had remained friends since then. He already knows everything, so you don't have to lie to him."

There was a pregnant silence as everyone digested the new information. Feeling Dan-se's eyes on her, Sa-do finally turned to him. "We need to talk," she told him and he just gave a small nod in response. Grabbing his hand, Sa-do pulled him away.


Ji-dwi was on his horse but he didn't start shooting yet. He was still waiting for Sa-do and Dan-se to come. His eyes fell on the pair, who were standing under a tree, still seemingly talking. Class had started a while back. Did it make sense to sit out like that to catch up? And Dan-se was Seon-woo's Nangdoo. He should be out here helping him instead of chatting with another Hwarang so freely.

"Stare any harder and Suk Dan-se will either combust into flames or abruptly drop dead."

Ji-dwi broke his unblinking gaze from the pair to frown at a cheekily grinning Yeo-wool. "What are you talking about?" he mumbled and noticed that his remaining roommates were looking at him with varying levels of amusement. "WHAT?!"

"Nothing," Ban-ryu answered, ducking his head to hide his smirk.

"Don't worry. I am sure they are just friends."

Ji-dwi glared at Seon-woo and spoke as nonchalantly as possible, "why would I be worried? I have better things to do." He unconsciously glanced back to the pair to see Sa-do laughing. His grip tightened on the reins. "Don't you need your Nangdoo for something? You are supposed to be imparting wisdom to him, or what not. Why can't you do your job properly?" he huffed in irritation as he glared at Seon-woo, as if it was all his fault.

Soo-ho trotted up to Ji-dwi and patted his shoulder. "I know you are jealous but Dan-se is a good friend of mine so try not to kill him, okay?" he requested the other Hwarang.

Not liking their teasing, Ji-dwi muttered, "aisch whatever," before galloping away, leaving four, now laughing, roommates behind him.

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