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Five days before...

"Run! Run, Cass. Don't look behind you, just go!" The shouts echoed throughout the forest, drowning out the whispers of the trees and the way their branches scraped against one another. Every noise, every sound was so distinguishable. The sounds of insects and animals became more prominent that they were scurrying away to safety from the danger that was heading my way. The heavy stomps were quickening in pace, hurdling over logs and other fallen branches.

"Hurry, Cass!" Another voice shouted, but I couldn't make it out. The heavy stomps multiplied, like there was more than just one after me. Their growls and barks making a deafening sound that pierced my ears and caused me to lose my balance, but I quickly caught myself and continued sprinting.

I made a hastily turn to the right, dodging the thick trunks, and slapping away the cobwebs that stuck to my face. But after all that I continued my rhythmic pace. I turned once to look behind me, seeing nothing unordinary, and turned forward again. There wasn't any time to stop myself bumping into a hard figure, but their strength held me upright and against their chest.

"There, there," they cooed with a soft yet rough voice. I didn't notice I was crying until my sobs rattled my body, my lungs unable to intake enough oxygen to expel carbon dioxide. I've never had a panic attack before, but this seems like one. The pace of my heart began to slowly decrease as the stranger pet their fingers through my hair and muttered incorrigible words that meant nothing to me, but it seemed to be working. "What's wrong?" He asked.

I finally took a step back to get a better look at the man, but gasped at my findings. His figure was wearing a black suit, his hands by his side, but that wasn't the true horror that struck me. His hair was short and black, but his face... his face lacked all the physical features except his eyes. The striking blue almost had me kneeling. No mouth. No nose. No ears. Just large crystal blue eyes on an expressionless face. My feet began to move backwards, and I had no objection to that. The figure stepped forward, reaching out their hand but I only quickened my steps.

"Don't try to run away from me, little girl. I'm only trying to protect you." He spoke. But how? The voice was loud and clear, almost as if it was my own conscience speaking to me. My eyes widened again.

"You-You're talking to me... in my head?" I mentally cursed at the way my tone sounded; vulnerable and afraid.

He nodded.

"I'm trying to protect you."

"From what?!" I shouted, feeling the wet streaks on my face reach down to my jaw until they broke, dropping onto the dirt below me.

His gaze shifted to something behind me, but I didn't know what.

"From them."

I turned around, watching as five large wolves-all of different colour-stared at me. Their growls were loud, showing the sharpness of their canines, threatening me. One in particular stood out the most, brown fur with terrorising green eyes that were almost too big for its face.

This beast was the similar one I found in my apartment, if not the exact same. Arms tightened around my torso as my voice finally began to work, and let out an ear piercing scream.

"Cass." A voice said, so quietly. The figure's arms shook around me as I twisted and turned so he would let go, but to no avail. "Cass," the voice said again, suddenly much louder than before.

"Help!" I shouted, but was cut off when the faceless man covered my mouth with his hand.

The beast growled as it took another step towards me, I swear I could feel my eyes wanting to bulge right out of their sockets as it neared me. The other four stayed situated in their position, not daring too move an inch closer but still looked as threatening as they did before.

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