[ 15. ]

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The plastic tub wobbled in May's hands. Her foot tapped against the floor, reverberating through the empty hallway. It was presentation day, and all she wanted to do was sprint away in the opposite direction.

Exhaustion wrapped its fingers around her body, threatening to take her away. She couldn't focus on that. Her eyes traveled upward to look at the sign above the door and she gnawed on her lip at the same time.

Class One-A, huh? Isn't this the class from the USJ? No... No... That was One-B. No. Was it? I can't remember. Did anyone even tell me?

May sighed, taking a quick glance at her watch. She was on time. Against her will? Perhaps. The Principal had texted her in the morning. At a ridiculous time, on top of that. She wondered if he had personally set an alarm to wake her up. He reminded her of her schedule and the classes she was supposed to present to. As if the previous two emails hadn't done that already.

She was up for hours on end. Letting her feet hang over the side of her bed, she thought about what first-year students would do. There was no way they'd care about anything she said. In her head, visions of glazed eyes and sticky spitballs caused knots in her stomach.

They were all probably in it for the same reason. The flashiness, the glory. When May was in middle school, she remembered the way other students talked about pro-heroes...

It was as if they ignored the ugly parts. And only saw the shiny plastic coating of fame.

She extended her arm, ready to knock on the door. Cementoss was right. They would chase her away with roars like jungle cats, prowling the schoolyard. May's heart leaped out of her throat and started packing a bag.

With her hand hanging in midair, the door opened. A familiar face greeted her from the other side. Aizawa looked more dead inside than usual.

"This is your class?" May asked aloud.

"Yeah," Aizawa said, his voice falling flat. "You can come in now."

He disappeared into the room before she could get another word in. May followed closely, trying to move her cinder block legs. At the front of the class, a small foldable table was set up. The chalkboard had bold letters stating, 'First Aid Presentation today— Behave.'

May set down the plastic bin, avoiding the copious stares from the class.

"This is Dr. Kataoka. You've all met her before, I presume. She's giving the presentation today," Aizawa said, using a ruler to slap the board. "Pay attention. She knows what she's talking about."

She whipped her head away from working through her bin, her eyebrows furrowing at his comment. His messages were so mixed. The previous day he had dismissed her remarks about his quirk, and she could barely catch his eye.

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