What Was Left Behind

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"they'll be coming for her," a hooded man spoke, manifesting from thin black smoke.

another man, Faustus, spoke, "And what of the muggles?"

the hooded man steps forward, placing a folder of documents on the round table, "a family of four—"

"three... the father allegedly died on a mission," Gabriel claimed as he entered the study.

Faustus looks up at the voice, giving Gabriel a nod to acknowledge his presence before turning back to the man, "as you were,"

"from the intel we've gathered, the mother's a muggle and so is the eldest, the other, however, is capable of many great talents far beyond mankind has ever seen... she'll be safe with them,"

"and are we sure of that?" Gabriel queried.

"we've no choice, the longer y/n stays here in Hogwarts the more we put her in danger..." Faustus argued.

Gabriel sighed, "may the father of understanding guide us all,"

"May he, indeed," the hooded figure spoke, disappearing into thin air.

It upset you to leave the academy, although you understood that it was for the greater good, having already spent three years on Hogwarts and being forced to leave, knowing that communication with any of your friends there would be cut off wasn't ideal.

you hear footsteps approaching you, cutting your train of thought as you were packing up your belongings, "y/n... take this with you," your uncle, Faustus

he hands you a dusty, antique box.

you fingers travel over the different carvings on the box with curiosity before opening it.

"fabricated from sycamore and the core of a phoenix's feathers, take care of it and it'll take care of you," Faustus uttered as you examined your new wand.

"y/n... understand that you may not speak of the wizarding world to anyone,"

as he stepped out of your chambers, Gabriel walks in with an apologetic smile on his face.

"apologies, he can be... grumpy,"

shaking your head, you gave him a bitter chuckle.

"it's a hard adjustment but I and your uncle Faustus only wants what's best for you," he says softly as he lays a hand on your shoulder.

Gabriel and Faustus were both your uncles and they've been protective over you since the battle of Hogwarts' end, it had cost your mother and father's life but the two never really spoke of them for reasons you're yet to find out.

they say it's better if you didn't know, it probably was.

you sighed, "I understand, uncle,"

he plants a gentle kiss on your forehead before giving you an encouraging pat on the back, "go be with your friends, it's the last time you'll be seeing them for a long time after all,"

when you first moved into the Danvers household it was hard to adjust, repressing your magic wasn't something that came easy to work with and having your family and friends cut off for god knows how long only made you feel worse.

the Danvers were nice, Eliza had made sure you were as comfortable as you can be in their home and Alex and Kara welcomed you warmly.

they always take you into consideration, making sure you didn't feel out of place as you were their sibling too.

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