Deathly Cold

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"Rao," Kara groaned, "am I dying?"

you snicker at the sight of Kara, looking as if she'd been a victim of the black plague despite only having a simple cold, nothing the Girl of Steel can't handle, right?

"maybe," you answered to Kara, earning yourself a swat in the head from an exasperated Alex. "hey—ow! I was joking!" you exclaimed, a hand easing the throbbing pain at the back of your head.

Alex rolls her eyes, sighing, "no, you are not dying, it's just a cold."

"I feel like crap," Kara grunted, taking in shallow breaths and looking close to hyperventilating.

a chuckle escapes your lips at the reporter's admission, "you look like it too." you added.

"Have you seen a mirror lately?" the blonde shot back.

"Hey, that's mean." you pouted, glaring at her.

Alex sighs.

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