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i love him.

i truly do.

i act as if he no longer affects me, but the sound of his voice echoing through the sound of the music affects me. he hurts me. the soft touch of his hands i craved is still there. now, he no longer looks my way.

he stands beside me but he's so far away.

he only stands next to me until he realizes im there, only to them walk away.

was i wrong? to voice my options to him. my feelings. should i have told him he hurt me? should i have just kept quiet and waiting for the pain to leave like so many other times before.

am i that pathetic?

i dont know anymore. i am too tired. my eyes ache. boys are exhausting.

am i being too picky? should i be grateful that men like me at all? should i take pride for the way they look at me with lust?

should i feel honoured when they find my social media, sliding into my DM's one by one. should i be happy?

am i being too rash? am i blowing things out of proportion?

who am i to complain? im just being self centred.

im sorry.

i just miss him.

-j changed, now he's hurting me.


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