not even air

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the room became silent for a few minutes as we just laid in bed, enjoying each others company until mattia spoke up.

"can you turn around? i want to look at you."

i laid in the same position, not facing him as i analyzed his words. i want to look at you?

he wants to look at me.

i did as he suggested, turning to face him. he laid with both of his hands propped under his head, i rested my head on the pillow in front of him. his eyes gazed over my entire face, causing chills to go up and down my arms. he released one of his arms and used it to snake around my waist to pull me as close as he could.

"i'm sorry for leaving you." his voice full of regret.

"you left me for an hour, i left you for years. it's incomparable and it's unimportant." i reassured, "just forget it."

he watched my facial expressions for a couple of seconds before grabbing both sides of my chin, smashing our lips together. he released slowly, moving my body to be underneath him before meeting our lips once again. he used one arm to prop himself over me, while the other was caressing my cheek.

stop this madness! what do you want from me?

slowly, he removed his hand from my face - placing it on my inner thigh, using it to grip lightly as he kissed my lips harder.

both of our lips stopped against each other as there was a light knock on the door. mattia hopped off of the bed quickly, pushing down his hair as i attempted to look normal as i laid in bed - when in reality, i was just sucking face with mattia polibio.

mattia swung open the door, revealing a groggy and sleepy-eyed alvaro.

"i have to piss."

mattia moved out of the way to allow alvaro in. he made eye contact with me while he stood at the door with scrunched eyebrows and flared nostrils. alvaro pushed past mattia, walking directly into the bathroom, leaving the bathroom door open.

"alvaro! cmon bruh!" mattia scolded, "blair's in here!" mattia jumped onto the bed where i laid, hovered over me and placed his large hand over my eyes.

"i'll protect you from that thing, don't be scared." mattia said softly into my ear, causing me to tense up.

"sorry, blair. i didn't see you." alvaro spoke, shutting the bathroom door. "no babies tonight, okay?" he informed as he held a thumbs up, exiting the room.

mattia removed his hand from my eyes, as he wrapped his arm underneath my head to look down at me, "i'm ready when you are."

i looked up at him, the smirk on his lips visible. i rolled my eyes, lowering myself in the bed as he did.
i pulled the blanket up to my chin, his hand wrapping around my waist.

"what is this? like between us?" i questioned, looking up at him as he sat, silent.

"nothing." he said blankly.

he grabbed the back of my neck, kissing me hard once again.

he was right. there was nothing between us, not even air.

[ time skip: morning ]

mattia and i laid with our legs intertwined, his chest against my back while soft snores escaped from his mouth. the bedroom door swung open, allowing four bodies to jump onto the bed where mattia and i slept.

"good morning, rise and shine. get up." roshaun said loudly, causing mattia to pull his pillow over his head.

i shut my eyes tightly, holding the blanket to my body closely as someone began to attempt to pull it off. as i laid, i felt a finger feather the tip of my nose.

"blairrrrr." i opened eyes lightly to see kairi at my side of the bed, "wake the fuck up."

i sat up, looking around the room to find the other boys laying sloppily on mattia.

"mattia, you have to get up bruh. we have a meeting today." mattias eyes shot open, attempting to push everyone off.

"i'll meet everyone downstairs, just go." he instructed, stretching his arms out as the boys shut the door and left.

i watched him curiously, "you have a meeting at 10 in the morning?"

he nodded, getting out of bed to grab his belongings in a hurry. he threw his remaining stuff in his bag, walked over to where i sat in bed and kissed my lips gently before taking his shoes and walking towards the door.

"we have plans tonight. the mall, 7:30." he tilted his head at me to make sure i understood, i nodded in response watching as his disappeared from the door frame.

"have a good meeting, morning breath!" i shouted, feeling around my bed for my phone.

"i will!"

[a.n.] - sorry this is short, but i just wanted to write a small update because i've uploaded for the past two days. thank y'all! also, not gonna be going to roman numerals anymore, just going to title the chapter and go.

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