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***Ricardo POV***

I could tell this temptress was on a mission, and knew that this would set her off. The way she tensed as I slipped my hand into her waist was entertainment for me.

We started to move to the sound of the music, and I couldn't help but be amused by the look on her face - Her bright green eyes shooting daggers into mine as if she was seconds away from strangling me.

Being able to see her in clear light unlike the other night, my eyes scanned this vixen.

"You can stop eyeing me now." She scowled, her fiery gaze not leaving mine. I ignored her statement and continued dancing.

"I'm surprised you haven't caused a rampage here, trouble." I said before dipping her down, our faces close. Too close.

My hand got a feel of her dark hair, which cascaded down to her waist.

I pulled her up and she rolled her eyes like she was waiting to leave. "As much as I'd love to punch the look off your face,"her mouth moved close to my ear, causing me to tense up. "I'm being the responsible one. Now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be."

***Ariel POV***

Walking away from Ricardo, I returned my focus towards my target.

I walked past the target as I went to get a glass of champagne and he turned his head towards me, staring at me like a hungry animal before walking in my direction.

"What's a beautiful lady like you doing here alone?"

"Oh, am I alone?" I asked in a soft voice, innocently sipping my champagne. With the way he bit his lip, it worked.

His eyes dropped to my body, getting a glimpse of what he thinks he could have. The corners of his mouth lifted. "Let's go somewhere private."

He lead me towards a large closet as we kissed and I slammed the door closed behind us. "Take your dress off." He ordered breathlessly.

That's what I repulsed - being controlled even just the tiniest bit. I placed my hand on the knife strapped behind my thigh. "Or...I could do this."

After plunging the knife into his chest, he fell to the ground. He struggled as he took shallow breaths, but to my advantage he was still alive. I pulled the knife out of his chest.

"Your prey is little girls, huh?" I tapped the blade off of my fingers as he watched in horror. I kneeled over him and unbuttoned his shirt, before scraping the knife against his skin. He struggled like a fish, wriggling to get out of my grasp. "Well here's a slightly psychotic one who's going to rip your heart out."

His melodious yelps of pain echoed around the small closet. Once I was done, and silence fell upon me I tossed his heart away.

"Come on Ariel, we've been waiting forever." I listened to the pleads of my Uncle and Irina who grew impatient by my timing.

And I left the room, leaving behind a somewhat beautiful scene. "Clean this mess, thank you." I ordered my uncles men who waited outside the door.

"Where are you?" I spoke into the earpiece.

"We had to leave, our limo got attacked. We're sending someone to pick you up." Irina replied through the earpiece.

"What?!" I burst, before realising how loud I was and quietening down. "You just left me here?"

"Calm down Ariel. Keep a lookout for a black SUV coming to get you." Irina reassured. A scoff escaped my mouth before I took the earpiece off.

I waited on the steps outside of the hall, looking for the black suv. My feet blistered in my heels, my dress jagged my skin and my bones ached with the chilling breeze. My phone was useless at home, and I didn't have the choice to call a cab.

"Screw this." I muttered to myself and threw my earpiece on the ground. I decided to go on a 45 minute walk through the dark side of New York towards our isolated mansion.

My heels were just useless, I took them off and carried them, my bare skin grazing against the sharp gravel of the sidewalk.

I had walked 30 minutes and reached the street of an abandoned estate before stopping to rest on the side of a pavement.

I became so engulfed by my own matters, that I forgot to keep a lookout for myself. My natural instincts warned me and I detected someone come up behind me.

I pulled out my gun, shooting him without even turning back to look. "Can I not just sit here for 2 seconds without someone trying to kill me?" I asked, but the handful of armed men approaching me didn't seem to agree.

A sigh escaped my mouth, and I quickly shot each one making them drop to the ground. "I guess not."

The rapid footstops came to a halt and silence surrounded me.

After I thought I'd killed them all, another one crept up behind me. I whipped around, elbowed him in the face before grabbing my knife and pushing it into his shoulder. Seeing a familiar pair of eyes made me stop pushing the knife in deeper.


Ricardo grabbed his shoulder.

"You creep! Getting an army of men to attack me?"

"What? No." He spat. "I followed you here, you psycho."

"Psycho? Says the stalker." I uttered under my breath. My attention was drawn to a few men who came running at us. "Look, there's more coming."

They pulled their knives out, one of the men throwing one blade that slid dangerously past me. I ducked it, but as I was distracted he managed to throw a rough punch to my head and then my nose.

I squeezed my watery eyes closed, before shaking it off. "Hasn't anyone ever told you? Never hit a woman's face." I used the gun in my hand, shooting one between the eyes, and the other on his chest.

"Who sent you?" I asked one of them, putting one foot on his stomach, increasing the pressure slowly.

I grew more and more impatient by his arrogant silence. "Hurry up." I sang as I pushed my heel deeper and deeper into his stomach.

"Alright alright, stop woman!" I stopped the pressure as me and Ricardo waited for him to speak. "We've been sent to try and attack you two."

I looked at Ricardo, both of us puzzled.

"By who?" Ricardo walked up to him and asked. The man looked off, before a chuckle escaped his mouth.

Ricardo's scowl deepened and he took the gun out of my hands. He aimed it at the crazy man before I placed my hand on his chest. "Wait."

"I'm getting impatient, talk or get a bullet in between your eyes." I boredly said.

"Fuck you." He spat before returning to his psychotic laughing. Not even a second passed before Ricardo shot him dead.

Great, now we have no chance of finding out who sent these men. I turned to him with frustration, he really couldn't handle his temper could he.

"That man was our key to finding out whoever's trying to kill us and you shoot him?" I frowned, irritated by this mans lack of patience. I know i said I had none but that was an exaggeration.

"I can get info on him in 2 seconds."

I rolled my eyes, snatched the cigarette out of his mouth and took a drag as I walked away from him.

I could hear him coming behind me but honestly I could care less. My painful head made me hold it up, before my vision gets clouded by dark spots.


Guys this book is growing so fast !

I never thought I would even reach 100 reads let alone 600 🥺

Thank you all 💕💕

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